PGCSIF partners with University of Maryland’s Smith School of
Business Students to ‘Change the World’ Social Venture Consulting
talented undergraduate and graduate students with nonprofit organizations in
semester-long, project-based consulting partnerships. The program is designed
to help entrepreneurial, high-potential nonprofit organizations to increase
their organizational capacity by providing them with direct access to pro-bono
business consulting.
has engaged four MBA students to map downstream business and entrepreneurial
opportunities that may result from four major economic development projects
that are currently underway in Prince George’s County. The projects included in
the mapping are MGM Grand, Maryland Department of Housing and Urban
Development, The Regional Hospital Center in Largo, and Riverdale Park. The
research will highlight the experiences of similar major economic development
initiatives in other municipalities along with best-case scenarios or
opportunities for adjacent industries. The results of this mapping will be
vetted with sector professionals and shared and widely with interested county
residents, business owners, and aspiring entrepreneurs.
work supports PGCSIF’s programmatic emphasis in social entrepreneurship or
double-bottom line economic development efforts (focusing on people and
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