Subject: Winter Donations Campagin - Prepare For Change

The Gift of
Urgent Request For Assistance
Prepare for Change was created under the mission to free humanity from the matrix of control that has disempowered humanity for millennia. We thank you for being part of our mission as a lightworker and for contributing to shifting the paradigm towards the positive.

As we are indebted to continue to bring out these alternative narratives, stories and news items, we will continue to do so. We run with very lean margins and our ability to continue serving the community is at risk without your help!

Please consider a donation to Prepare for Change right now. Doing so will keep us going through the difficult times we are currently experiencing due to lower numbers of new subscribers as a result of online censorship and de-platforming.

You can help us immensely. Our coffers are running dangerously low and this time of year is the last push we can make to get us through the holiday season.

To continue to do this is where we need your ongoing support. Though many are called, few respond. It takes real funding to make our organization work. Funds go to the maintenance of our website, administration and fees for our daily newsletter, and ongoing bills for website servers and upkeep including registrations and program subscriptions. We also have legal and tax issues that require funds.

Your contributions not only allow us to keep getting the message out but also helps maintain our Nova Gaia Orphanage in Africa. Keeping support flowing to help the over 530 people at the orphanage – which includes widows, elder and the infirm – is no small task. It requires a steady stipend that we can only afford thanks to the generous donations of our community members.

We also recently produced our first commercial asking for aid for the Orphanage which is used on our interview series. But there's so much more we can and need to do for their well-being.

We know that our lightworkers have huge hearts – perhaps the largest of groups that are awakened. It's time to put that positive energy to our cause. With your help, we merge our efforts and magnify our ability to provide the vital content and context that we need in the world right now.

For those of you who have committed previously, we humbly thank you. Anyone in our community who has been able to provide assistance in the past, we honour.

To donate please click the donate link below or go to our website and click on the “donate” button on the right side of the home page.

Be the change you want to see
Kindness | Giving | Sharing

You can easily donate in a variety of ways via our website or directly using PayPal to

You may also send us checks or money orders via snail mail to: Prepare For Change Foundation, 1441 Huntington Drive. #1110 South Pasadena, CA USA 910

Being a 501(c)(3) charity your donations are 100% tax-deductible. We continually thank you from the bottom of our hearts, your assistance is really making a difference in the world.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Victory to the Light!

Prepare for Change Council

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