Subject: Prepare For Change - Event Webinar

Event Webinar
Join us on Saturday Feb. 23, 2019 at 10am PST
Sharing information that gives us a deeper perspective is a primary goal of Prepare for Change. Along with that goal is the mission to prepare as many people as we can for the changes that are occurring on our planet right now and in our incarnate experience.
Free Informational Update
A lot of information is circulating and the new energies are creating activity among many, so we think it’s a good time to offer a webinar to provide information about the Event, as we understand it from our sources.

With our goal and mission in mind, we have tools and information on our site regarding the Event. Some signs of the Event are surfacing and we invite you to join us
on Saturday Feb. 23, 2019 at 10am PST in a presentation, discussion and guided Q&A session regarding aspects of the Event. The webinar call will be about an hour-and-a half depending on questions.

Our presentation covers: a quick summary of our beginning and mission, historical cycles of cosmic influenced change, Goddess energies rising, current signs of the Event progress, what to do at the time of the Event and ways to spread information.

The Prepare for Change Council members will give the presentation and the moderator will select some questions and we’ll see if we can provide some answers.

The presentation is intended to give you an overview of the most vital information we have at Prepare for Change and a sort of “check up” as the new year gets rolling.

The webinar will be presented online at the “Zoom” conference call platform.  If you sign up to attend the webinar we will send you an emailed invite to join the Zoom call when it launches.

Thank you for all you do!

We look forward to having you with us at the webinar on Saturday Feb. 23 at 10am PST (Los Angeles, California time).

Victory to the Light!