Subject: 🌞End of Summer Donations Request | Prepare For Change🍧

End of Summer Donations Request

Dear Members, Subscribers and Followers,

Prepare For Change is approaching 10 years of providing information and knowledge to assist those who are on a path to better understand themselves and this world.  Through the vision of Cobra, Rob Potter and so many others, we created this website to share truths about our planet’s history and how we are navigating these current times through our awakening and ascension processes.

We hope our articles, open calls, interviews, and videos assist you in finding your place in this historic time for humanity as we Prepare for Change together. If you have appreciated and benefited from our website and platforms, perhaps you might consider supporting our continued work through a donation.

Prepare For Change is a 501c charitable organization with no paid staff.  All of our donations fund website, internet, and IT fees and subscriptions.  We never charge for anything, including subscriptions to our daily newsletter.  We therefore appreciate any support you can offer.

Thanks for all you do and ….Victory of the Light!

Making a donation is very straightforward and easy to manage. You can even choose what method you prefer in helping us.

If you sign up for an account you can easily manage your subscription, see full donations history, and save all donations receipts easily as PDF for tax filings.

All from the in-built donor dashboard.

You may also send us checks or money orders via mail to:

Prepare For Change Foundation,

1441 Huntington Drive. #1110 South Pasadena, CA USA 91030

Being a 501(c)(3) charity your donations are 100% tax-deductible.

If you're unable to contribute through financial means, we truly understand, that's why we're all volunteers. In which case, please could you like and leave a recommendation/review for our Prepare For Change Global Facebook page?

Every donation helps, so please don't underestimate the power your single action has in this battle for planetary liberation!

Victory of the Light!

Thank you

The "Prepare For Change Foundation" Team

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