Subject: 🍧 Prepare For Change - Summer Donations 🍧

A Small Gift Of

Members, supporters, seekers and friends, has been going through massive censoring and cyberattacks for years - long before word of censoring of alternative media channels started coming out - yet we have managed not only to survive but have been growing our audience consistently.

We have an extraordinary team of worldwide volunteers working on our various projects, whether interviews, writing articles or handling our humanitarian projects, Prepare For Change has stayed the course through thick and thin and against all challenges.

Prepare For Change can't thank those souls enough who have helped us in the past, we wouldn't be able to do this without theirs and your help. We are in this together and as long as we are able, will stay on the path of doing all we can to share the truth on a consistent basis unless we are forcibly removed by the big tech companies.

To continue accomplishing Prepare For Change’s mission, we need your continued financial support today. Your donations to Prepare for Change keep our operations going by paying for our website hardware and software costs. Our staff are all unpaid volunteers working for the greater good and the benefit of humanity as a whole and therefore have decided as a group to give back to those who need it the most. In this case - orphan Children.

This is why a far more significant part of our donations go to maintaining and supporting our Prepare For Change founded and funded Nova Gaia Orphanage in Africa. Located in Malawi. Web Site

Our orphanage is now serving over 500 - the vast majority being orphaned, but we are also helping refugees, widows, elderly and the infirm. Without your continued support, these most vulnerable brothers and sisters would literally starve to death. Hunger & disease is a major issue for these poor unfortunate souls.

We especially need regular monthly contributions or recurring donations since our operational expenses and our orphanage expenses have weekly needs and commitments that Prepare for Change must fulfil without fail. Unfortunately, we’re not running a surplus and this causes grave concern to ensure we meet these requirements as donations wax and wane over time.

For those of you who are limited but are able to make a one-time donation we encourage you to do so today as we need the support more than ever. There are some of you who can donate a substantial amount and we are asking those of you to look into your hearts and make a donation today.

To donate please go to our website and click on the “donate” button on the right side of the home page or click here:

Donations Page

You can easily donate in a variety of ways via our website or directly using PayPal to You may also send us checks or money orders via snail mail to: Prepare For Change Foundation, 1441 Huntington Drive. #1110 South Pasadena, CA USA 910

Being a 501(c)(3) charity your donations are 100% tax-deductible. We continually thank you from the bottom of our hearts, your assistance is really making a difference in the world.

Be the change you want to see
Kindness | Giving | Sharing
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