Subject:ย ๐Ÿ‚ Fall Donations Fundraiser | Prepare For Change ๐Ÿ‚


Dear Subscribers & Members,

As the winter draws in, we're bound to face a new set of tyrannical pushes on humanity, be it energy crisis, food crisis, financial crisis or a 're-emergence' of "covid". We'll always get to the truth so we can share it with you, since it's up to alt media to keep finding, digging and disseminating the real news.

We also run a volunteer network, which has groups of people coming together from around the world, sharing idea's and stories and providing public offerings and new media content which take considerable time and effort to research and edit/produce the media. Yes, you heard it here first, there is a Planned Chaos 2.0 in the works!

If you can, and feel so inclined, please kindly help us with a donation, of any amount. A thousand small offerings, makes a new whole, which is what keeps Prepare for Change running all these years.

As a non-profit 501(c)3 organization your donations can be made as tax deduction, further helping 'We' the people fight for the people. Instead of the corporate greed and money laundering of so called 'charities': Looking at you Red Cross!

Please, support our services and help us continue to be the change in the world. Your donations don't just keep our systems running, our volunteers connected but you're also supporting the most needing of us, as we too donate, $500 a week to the Nova Gaia Orphanage in Malawi.

From all the volunteers at Prepare For Change - Thank You - for your generous donations!

Please hear our calls and support OUR cause TODAY!

You can easily donate in a variety of ways via our website here:

You may also send us checks or money orders via mail to:

Prepare For Change Foundation, 1441
Huntington Drive. #1110 South Pasadena, CA USA 91030

Being a 501(c)(3) charity your donations are 100% tax-deductible.

If you're unable to contribute through financial means, we truly understand, that's why we're volunteers. In which case, please could you like and leave a recommendation/review for our Prepare For Change Global Facebook page? 

Every little helps, so please don't underestimate the power your single action has in this digital information war!

Victory of the Light!

Thank you

The "Prepare For Change Foundation" Team

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