Subject:ย ๐Ÿ‚ Fall Donations Fundraiser | Prepare For Change ๐Ÿ‚

Dear Subscribers & Members,

As the summer bears down the heat across most the world, the geopolitical and economic tensions raise even further. With social unrest already breaking out in my countries like Sri Lanka, Argentina, Netherlands, Canada and more in the form of massive public demonstrations. The NWO is being fought back!

We have to keep up the fight. Without you, we will become mute. We will ALL be silenced unless we win this war. A war on consciousness. A war for our minds, our hearts, our future. A war to save everything that is pure and divine!

Whatever your role in our shared fight for good, this is one of those moments we need to be more vocal. Prepare For Change has been raising awareness of this time in history for almost a decade! Please, help us maintain our presence and keep our humanitarian project running.


It's through your generosity and giving that we're able to continue this mission for all of us. If you're not already a monthly donator, please consider doing so. Even if 100 new people was to donate the price of a cup of coffee regularly, that would really, really help!

Our recurring donations don't meet our needs each month and it's through those of you who donate as and when you can, that have been our life line all these years helping us to bring up the total.

Blessings to all of you who have or are donating to our cause!

We are a 501 (c) (3) charity and therefore can write off your donation as a tax break. Itโ€™s a win-win for us, as instead of it going to the IRS, a small amount can go to an organisation like ours who explains why it shouldn't be going to the IRS at all!

Please, please dig deep if you're able and know that your contributions no matter what size really, really do make all the difference for us.

God bless you all. Stay safe and well during this continuing crisis.

Please hear our calls and support OUR cause TODAY!

You can easily donate in a variety of ways via our website here:

You may also send us checks or money orders via mail to:

Prepare For Change Foundation, 1441
Huntington Drive. #1110 South Pasadena, CA USA 91030

Being a 501(c)(3) charity your donations are 100% tax-deductible.

If you're unable to contribute through financial means, we truly understand, that's why we're volunteers. In which case, please could you like and leave a recommendation/review for our Prepare For Change Global Facebook page? 

Every little helps, so please don't underestimate the power your single action has in this digital information war!

Victory of the Light!

Thank you

The "Prepare For Change Foundation" Team

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