Subject: Gosh, I crashed my car... 😱

I was about to pick up a friend from the train station when...

Yep, I crashed my car a few weeks ago, it ended up as a total write off and sent to the scrap yard...

I was about to pick up a friend from the station and as it turns out I was paying more attention to my friend than to the car ahead of me.

The guy in the car ahead of me decided to pull over to the left in order to make a wide right turn to park on the right and as I went past him he pushed me out of my lane and I crashed with another car.

Final outcome: three car collision and I almost went to court in an insurance cover dispute...

But there is also a positive outcome on this story.

When the anger and frustration settled inside of me I started thinking and realised I had prioritised my intentions and my goal (picking my friend up) over the intentions and goal of the guy ahead of me.

Had I put the other guy's intentions and goal (park on the right) before my own intentions the collision and subsequent disaster would have been avoided.

Then I started wondering if had not neglected considering other people's goals in my personal and entrepreneurial life.

It was then that I decided to give more to others and ask for less in the process of building my Affiliate Marketing business.

I also made the decision to create a podcast to help other people achieve their goals of making money with this business model.

I also decided to create a section on my website to share with others the necessary tools to start an affiliate marketing business and I even recently added a couple of free books.

In the end, I believe I learned something after my car crash that has made me become a little bit better as a person, parent and entrepreneur and I sincerely hope you benefit from that.

All my best,
Mario Blanco

My Podcast: Affiliate Marketing Lifestyle

Free Affiliate Marketing books: Affiliate Toolbox