Subject: Sept's Inneractive Insights Newsletter is Here

it Welcome to InnerActive InSights Newsletter......
Your Guide to Getting People and Organizations to the Next Level.

This Months Issue:
1. How to Overcome Common Challenges to Successful Retention
2. Leaders Know Their Strengths and Weaknesses
3. Smile For Success
4. One Minute Ideas
5. Why Teams?


We are providing a link to our full newsletter archive page at our website for your monthly InnerActive Insights newsletter. So, just click below and you can view or download this months newsletter from your computer.

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First, I am Super Excited to Announce the Phoenix Seminar will be available to everyone whenever you need it beginning on Monday, September 17th. That's right, the Phoenix Seminar is going Online. We will be testing the site over the weekend to get any last minute bugs out of the system so you can enjoy the power of this personal leadership development seminar.
On Monday, September 17th go to and watch my video explaining the power of this "How to Succeed in Life" workshop and seminar. So, check it out and tell others - especially those who need to re-energize their motivation and attitude.

Second, great news! And, I need your help. The Three Games of Selling is now available through Amazon for the Kindle. If you have read my book, please post your feedback on Amazon – I need some reference power! Thanks in advance. And, if you are in sales and have not read my book – here is an opportunity to get it. Another huge thanks.



Robin is now offering "Essentials for Success" for progressive organizations which understand the most important asset are its people . This seminar teaches your people to overcome self-limiting beliefs which limit their success and performance. This seminar is designed to help a team overcome resistance to new ideas, innovative changes and utilization of new training for major initiatives. Call Robin today and ask her how she can help your team succeed at a higher level.

Also, we are excited to share with you the coming introduction of several new training, development and coaching products for you. Voss is working hard to get these new systems online for you. Stay tuned for the coming announcements. We're as excited as you will be when you get the notice. Watch for coming information.

Here is a list of Web site resources for you and your team… – Lessons in selling to business' and the skills and mindsets needed for success – For the HR team looking for “best practices” for selection and hiring – How neuroscience impacts performance both positively and negatively – Shows a method for consistently hiring sales winners for your company. – Learn tips, secrets and methods for using assessments in your business.
Thank you again for choosing to receive our monthly newsletter; we appreciate your loyalty and more importantly, we trust you are finding value with this free resource.

Share this with other leaders and recommend they subscribe now to receive their own copy.

Watch for next month's issue!

Voss W Graham

InnerActive Consulting Group, Inc.
65 Germantown Court, Suite 314
Cordova, TN 38018