Subject: Team Update!

Hi Friend,

I hope you had a wonderful Holiday if you celebrated it. I have been gone
for the last 10 days with friends and family enjoying the holiday season and
also getting a little ice fishing in. The last 10 days have been GREAT!! But
now, it is time to get back to work. 

I will try to respond to your emails asap. I have many so please, if you sent me
an email in the last 10 days, I will respond to it soon.

As can be expected, our hit activity has dropped to just about 300 hits a day.
Sign up's have been very slow.  I hope that will change as we get back into
the swing of things. Please watch your email if you requested a link.  I tried
to keep up over my vacation but had limited access to email. If you requested
a link and did not receive one, please email me with another request and I will
get one out asap.

Here is the latest update from PennyPays;
We are wishing everyone in the program a Very Happy New Year! Lets make
2017 the best year you have every had!

We want to report some incredible news:
We did not slow down a bit through the holidays!
Wow! We kept growing at the same rate! Some of
you are just "knocking it out of the park"!!!

Here is a Direct Link to the recording of the Thurs. Eve Dec 29th Pre-Launch
Webinar for the PennyPays / Facebook Share and Earn Program presented
by Team Leader, Bill....

We recently announced that the company purchased URL and will be incorporating it also!
Soon, once it is installed, it will be interchangeable with the
main site:

This is a Big!

We all believe that it is far more conducive to our efforts
to grow this company to a point in which we become a
"house-hold" term.... Share Facebook!

We encourage all of you to utilize our
Share and Earn Program as it offers
Absolutely Awesome Advertising!
You can follow that stats right in your back office.
When in the back office landing page, just
click on "Create Your Share" there.

This software IS Exclusing to our company!

This is getting some great results for those using it!
It is much better than the regular Facebook ads AND
it costs much, much less.

This is the Facebook Post of the FAQs for the Share and Earn Program:

We have a recorded presentation now.
Listen to the short call:
It is a 4 minute, or so, message and
a very powerful presentation!

PennyPays Support Team

Dan Rose