Subject: Penny Pays Team Update

Hi Friend,

Welcome to all our newest members! We're happy to have you on our
team and look forward to working with you to help put a little jingle
in your pockets in the coming months and hopefully, years after.  I
think that once people can start earning from the earn and share portion
of Penny pays, our team will explode!!  Those that are in now will
benefit from that growth. I predict that you will be very happy!!  
If you're waiting for a link, please be patient. I'm working straight down the list
and issue links as team members upgrade. Keep in mind that every member has 
24 hours to upgrade. if they don't upgrade, they're deleted. The down side of this
is that I have to wait for these members before I can move on. I have asked
members to let me know if they won't be joining our team so that we can move
forward but most don't have the courtesy to respond back. 
Friend, please know that once the "Earn And Share" portion of Penny
Pays gets implemented and members start making money, word will spread 
quickly and the membership will sky rocket!! We'll be in the right position
at the right time to take advantage of the growth. Will you be with us?  This
is truly going to put a lot of money in members pockets. You can be one of
them as long as we all work as a team. Penny Pays hopes to have the Earn
and share up and running around Nov 15th. We're almost there!!!  

Please take a look at the spreadsheet and if you see your name in yellow,
that means you have been sent a link. Please search your email and take 
action to upgrade because as of 6:00pm cst tonight, most of those names
will be deleted and replaced with eager members waiting to take advantage
of our opportunity.

Click Here for the Team Spreadsheet
Team Link (Everyone Must Promote This link) 
(You can also join/rejoin from this link as well) 

Penny Pays 125 Banner Team

Penny Pays 468 banner Team
Have a great day Friend!


Look at the spread sheet and confirm your referrals. If there is an issue,
let me know. Thanks!