Subject: Penny Pays Team Update

Hi Friend,

We're off to an ok start! We are at about 105 members total, so far, we have
18 upgraded members, 2 that may be removed and 52 waiting for a join link.
The balance has been deleted as they were sent a link but failed to respond
to the join email I sent them so they were deleted.  

If you're waiting for a link, please be patient. I'm working straight down the list
and issue links as team members upgrade. Keep in mind that every member has
12 hours to upgrade. if they don't upgrade, they're deleted. The down side of this
is that I have to wait for these members before I can move on. I have asked
members to let me know if they won't be joining our team so that we can move
forward but most don't have the courtesy to respond back. Then there were a
few members that had bad intentions so they needed to be weeded out as well.
This is a very time consuming process but needs to be done to preserve the
integrity of our build. 

Friend, please know that once the "Earn And Share" portion of Penny
Pays gets implemented and members start making money, word will spread 
quickly and the membership will sky rocket!! We'll be in the right position
at the right time to take advantage of the growth. Will you be with us?  This
is truly going to put a lot of money in members pockets. You can be one of
them as long as we all work as a team. Penny Pays hopes to have the Earn
and share up and running around Nov 15th. We're almost there!!!  

Penny pays will be around for a very long time and our team will be with them
every step of the way! The income potential is HUGE but we need to work as a 
team and build, build, build!!! Everyone must advertise this link!!  This is your
business and you're apart of a dedicated team that is committed to succeed so
we need your active participation to help the team grow.  I don't ask much of
you... I put in a lot of time in this team build. My only requests for you is that
you advertise the team link. That's fair I think, right? After all, it is your 
business as well! With that said, we have had 1,608 hits to our team website.
That tells me that only a few people are actively promoting the team link.  Some
may not be aware that they have to do this so I will try to be as clear as I can
with future members to ensure that they know that they have to advertise the
team link. 

Team Link (Everyone Must Promote This link) 
(You can also join/rejoin from this link as well) 

That's all I have for the moment. If you were sent a link and were not able to join
and the link was deleted and you're still interested in our team build, send me an
email and I will get put you in line to receive another link. No questions asked.
You don't want to miss out on this Friend! I'm still getting paid, month
after month from their last program, GoBig7 and Penny Pays is a much better
opportunity than Gobig7! Don't ignore this one. Good opportunities like this are
rare and when you find them,  you have to take action!      

Have a great night!


Look at the spread sheet and confirm your referrals. If there is an issue,
let me know. Thanks!
