Subject: Happy Saturday Friend! What's Happening Now?

Hi Friend,

 I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to get out a brief update on
our progress with Penny Pays team build and some other things that
are currently going on. There is a huge opportunity opening up soon
so please read the entire update.

Penny Pays team build is at a stand still. In the past month, I have
had about 20 to 30 request for a team link but not one has upgraded
out of the bunch. We have definitely hit a wall and not sure why as this
is such a huge opportunity. We're still averaging about 350 hits a day.
Below is a screen shot of the last two weeks. 

I'm going to re-design our team capture page in the next week or so. I
hope that will help with getting new members signed up to our opportunity.

Please log into your back office for the latest update. Also, if you would like
me to send you a link to join the Penny Pays team, send me an email to and I will get one out promptly.

Simple Cycler Team Build - We had a sign up today folks... Shirley Robinson
has joined us today.  Thanks Shirley!! Welcome Aboard.     

My Cycler -  For those that jumped in as soon as the doors open, did very well.
The cycling was fast and furious! Those that were on the fence for a few days
and decided to join saw some cycling but movement has been slow. In my opinion,
they should have set up it for a re-purchase every 10 days and it should have been
an automated withdrawal instead of manual. However, they're coming out with a
booster on the 29th to help with movement. See below for more details and then
click on the link to join.


New!! Bitluna - Friend, if you haven't jumped on this yet, get over
there right now and sign up for F.ree. They will give you 10 bucks, just
for joining in pre-launch. Pre-launch ends in 7 days and you have the
opportunity to earn $3.63 on a .10 donation, over and over again!!

BitLuna is An Unique Hybrid Matrix Donation Income Earns Unlimited $3.63 Income! landing?u=dprose55420
Payplan: On Left " Click - Earn Money / Click " Donation Plan"!

Payza,STP, Skrill, Qiwi, Lunawallet, Advcash, Payeer, Bitcoin, Perfectmoney ACCEPTED!


This just in... Social Cash Flow - This is brand new and the site is still being worked on
but you can get in now and see what it's all about. There is a possibility to make
some very good money here. 

That's all I have at the moment. Have a great day Friend and we'll send
out another update next week.
