Subject: 👉Pandemic Restrictions Lifted?

Hey friend,

Just thought I’d throw this your way.

A recent article in Scientific American attempted to answer a question that’s been on a lot of our minds recently:

When the heck can we get back to normal?

In short, the article was released based on an interview with Tom Inglesby, a pandemic preparedness expert.

In summary, the article concluded that we’ll first have to go through 3 phases.

Phase 1 is lockdown, i.e. what we’re facing now.

Phase 2 is possible after we show steady declines and can provide adequate testing.

And Phase 3 is when we can provide adequate medical equipment to hospitals and citizens and/or a proven treatment.

(You can read the entire article here if you’d like).

Anyway, just thought I’d drop a tidbit of hope in your inbox today.

Hope you’re staying safe out there,


P.S. Want to see how I’m building a business from home (that actually works) during this lockdown?

Watch this short 25 minute video from my mentor that breaks it all down for you.

Live Fully U, LLC, P.O. Box 514, 48116, Brighton, United States
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