Subject: 👉Hey, did you call me?

Seriously, did you call me, Friend?
Seriously, did you call me?

The reason I’m asking is because yesterday I announced that, for a very limited time, I’m doing 15 minute consultations with folks who are serious about starting their own online biz alongside myself and our vibrant community of go-getters.

And I do have a few slots left IF you act fast.

So, here’s that email again:


If you’re reading this email right now, you’ve seen me talk about Fullstaq Marketer and what it’s done for my life and countless others…

But for some reason, you’re still “on the fence”.

Can I be honest with you?

People “on the fence” are never successful.


At some point, you’ve either got to get in the game… or get out.

But I also understand that sometimes you need a little extra nudge to get off the bench and get playing. 

And that’s why, for a very limited time, I’m taking 15 minute consultation calls to answer any and all questions for folks who are serious about starting an online biz.

Here’s how it works:

1. Watch The Explainer Video First:

If you haven’t done so already, be sure to watch this video before you request a call from me.

It’s only 20 minutes long and explains the entire biz in clear detail.

NOTE: You must have watched the full video to qualify for a call with me.

2. Schedule A Call:

If you’d like to setup a 15 minute consultation with me after the video, just reply to this email and say “Yes, let’s talk.”

I’ll reply back directly and set up a time for us to chat.

3. Be Serious:

I’m going to be brutally honest.

I’m busy and I value my time so the only thing that I ask is that you be absolutely SERIOUS about getting started before we chat.

I don’t have time for tire-kickers.

I’m happy to answer all of your questions and go over fuzzy details you need before you get started… as long as you’re serious about this.

Assuming you like our conversation, it’s just $197 to get started with Fullstaq today.

And you’ll even have done-for-you sales funnels and offers you can promote that are already working, too (you’ll see what I mean in this video).

And let’s be honest… 197 bucks is nothing when it comes to starting a new biz, right?

Especially when you consider that Fullstaq has customers now raking in 3-5 times that PER DAY.

Anyway, that’s it.

That’s all there is to it.

Watch the video, reply to this email, and let’s schedule a time to talk.

Oh, one more thing…

I’m only taking calls today and (possibly) tomorrow so if you want a 15 minute consultation “on the house”...

...act quickly!

My calendar will fill up FAST.

I look forward to chatting with you,


P.S. Here’s the details again for your convenience:

1. Watch the video here.

2. Reply to this email afterwards.

3. Please only reply if you’re serious about taking action.

Live Fully U, LLC, P.O. Box 514, 48116, Brighton, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.