[New Post] Fast Company Features Phil Wilson: 6 Signs You're Management Material
Fast Company published an article last week detailing what makes a person "management material."
After consulting a number of experts, they came up with these 6 traits:
- You're good at building relationships. "You cannot be a leader unless people are willing to follow you...To have followers, you need to be skilled at developing and maintaining relationships."
- You're approachable. "Employees of approachable bosses are less likely to quit and more likely to engage in "above-and-beyond" behavior at work...If you're approachable you'll be a successful leader. If you're unapproachable over the long run you will fail."
- You look at the big picture. "To manage, you need to be able to see the big picture; how pieces of the organization fit together, and how a change in one area will affect another."
- You think strategically. "You should understand the environment inside and outside of the organization...You need skills in problem identification and analysis, and must be able to generate and evaluate solutions..."
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