Subject: My Biggest Content Marketing Mistake From 2023

My Biggest Content Marketing Mistake From 2023

January 8th, 2024 at 12:58 pm EDT

Yo Friend, Happy Monday! These last few days have been a bit of a whirlwind. Went skiing Friday and Saturday and in the midst of it all, we're finishing up the final touches on that super dooper secret thing I've been telling you about for the last w ...

Top YouTube Ranking & A.I. Automations Galore...

January 4th, 2024 at 1:42 pm EDT

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah zip-a-dee-a My oh my, what a wonderful day Friend! I'm feeling a bit frisky this morning because I'm excited. I'm excited about that little secret I've been telling you about that I'm getting VERY close to being able to spill the be ...

Bad Advice For Getting Out Of Debt

January 3rd, 2024 at 4:57 pm EDT

Hey Friend, So I was talking to a friend recently and he was telling me that some financial goo roo told him some bad advice, that seems to have kept him a bit stuck on one of his big goals and dreams. Getting out of debt. My friend had already worke ...

7 Simple Steps To A.I. Generated Blog Posts You’re Not Ashamed Of

January 2nd, 2024 at 3:18 pm EDT

Happy New Year Friend! I hope you enjoyed the nice long break from getting emails from me. ha ha... Seriously though, I did enjoy shutting business completely off for the holidays and spending some time with family and not thinking about the freedom ...

How To Spot Fake Accounts On Social Media & Avoid Fraud (5 Simple Steps)

December 20th, 2023 at 12:46 pm EDT

Hey Friend! I've recently had multiple friends get scammed or almost scammed on social media so when my friend subscriber Bill, asked me How do you spot fake accounts?' I figured it might be worth sharing these 5 steps in the hopes they can help you ...

Holy cow! Elon Musk's mom liked one of my posts...

December 19th, 2023 at 12:30 pm EDT

Hey Friend! So something unusual happened today. I noticed that Maye Musk, the mother of one of the world's most influential people (Elon), liked one of my posts on X. Of course, I initially thought this was a scam account, but as I looked into it, I ...

Wisdom For Wealth

December 18th, 2023 at 12:43 pm EDT

Hey Friend! Hope you had a great weekend. I got to go skiing with my kids on saturday so that was fun.Did you do anything out of the ordinary? Would love to hear if you wanna shoot me an email reply. Anyway, the real purpose of this email is to send ...

I love these people Friend...❤️

December 16th, 2023 at 10:48 am EDT

Happy Saturday Friend! If you were following me last month, you may have seen that I did a road trip all the way to Charlotte, North Carolina for an event we were putting on called HBA Freedom Fest. I drove 40 hours there and 40 hours back. One migh ...

Billionaire Mind Hack Applied To Home Biz

December 15th, 2023 at 11:58 am EDT

Happy Freedom Friday Friend! First of all, thank you so much to everyone who supported my friend Sakshi, in yesterday's email. Love and appreciate you for that so much. Second, Yesterday I listened to Amazon's billionaire founder, Jeff Bezos on a lon ...

my friend lost his daughter (you may know him)

December 14th, 2023 at 12:01 pm EDT

Hey Friend, This morning I recieved the very sad news that a good friend of mine lost his only child, a beautiful daughter named Ocean.If you've been connected to me for a while, you may know this friend and love him like I do. His name is Sakshi Zio ...