Subject: [Ultimate Throwdown] You Vs. AI, Who Will Be Left Standing?

[Ultimate Throwdown] You Vs. AI, Who Will Be Left Standing?

January 19th, 2023 at 12:39 pm EDT

Hey Friend, After yesterday's email I got an email from a great friend, who was expressing some concern about how AI might eliminate the need for people to develop and be creative. It was such a great point it got me thinking and that's why i decided ...

only 48 hours left...

January 19th, 2023 at 12:25 pm EDT

just in case you missed this email from last night, I wanted to forward it again with 48 hours left in the subject line just in case you're someone who hasn't seen what we're doing yet with the 2 week Free Trial of our Emerson AI magic Content machin ...

yo Friend, can i get a what, WHAT!?🙋‍♀️

January 18th, 2023 at 10:26 pm EDT

So check this out Friend. The new Hutchings Family Poem,co-authored with Emerson The Magic Content Machine... Pretty cool right? My wife and 4 boys are all going to memorize this with me and it's going to transform my family and set my kids up for am ...

23 Crazy Ways To Make Life & Biz Better With AI [MAGIC]

January 18th, 2023 at 1:50 pm EDT

Hey Friend, I've been learning a TON about how AI can benefit all of our lives and businesses, right now. Drumroll please... Today's Mind-Blowingly Awesome Video (yes of course I'm biased, but I still do REALLY believe this stuff is mind-blowingly aw ...

nevermind Friend...[+ we BLEW past 300K/mo]

January 17th, 2023 at 7:38 pm EDT

Hey Friend, I went live earlier today for my YouTube subscribers to share some advanced email marketing tips and wasn't orginally planning on emailing this out but... Hey, what the heck, right? Here it is. Please keep in mind that some of this stuff ...

ZOINKS we actually did it!!!! 🤯

January 17th, 2023 at 3:21 pm EDT

Friend, brace yourself! When we started this promotion last week, Mike and I set an intention to help HBA surpass 300K Per month in recurring subscription revenue and look what magically popped up into reality this morning when we woke up.As I stared ...

he loved this...❤️

January 16th, 2023 at 9:49 pm EDT

Hey Friend, Just got off our weekly 'What's Working Now' mastermind where we learned how some of our friends in Belgium just made their first sale ever online. WAHOOO! YES! YES! YES! While we were on, a great freedom crusader named Dave said this a ...

Powerful Sales Tip [For Stable Residuals]

January 16th, 2023 at 3:22 pm EDT

Hey Friend, Last night when I got done visiting the in-laws, I stepped into our suburban and noticed I had a voice message from one of our top affiliates (and best friends in the world). Her name is Amy, she had taken a minute to send me some of her ...

last day for some smart peeps…

January 15th, 2023 at 7:46 pm EDT

Hey Friend, Just got out to the in-laws for Sunday dinner wanted to send you a quick reminder that for some, smart peeps, today is the last day to take action in a way that will set them up in the best position, to build some serious residuals, this ...

over 275K per month! (Who cares right..?)

January 15th, 2023 at 9:59 am EDT

Hey Friend, It's hard to believe I'm sitting here writing you an email to report that the company I'm helping to build just crossed $275,000 in monthly recurring revenue.Hard to believe because it seems like just yesterday, when I was sitting down to ...