Subject: The 3 Hidden Treasures Buried Within The BIGGEST Of Problems

The 3 Hidden Treasures Buried Within The BIGGEST Of Problems

April 18th, 2023 at 12:31 pm EDT

Hey Friend! I hope you're having an amazing day! In today's good parts episode, I share the 3 hidden treasures buried inside the biggest of problems.I also share a recurring pattern I've noticed popping up in business over, and over and over again... ...

A Grab Bag Of Golden Goodies For More Success | Good Parts #14

April 17th, 2023 at 12:33 pm EDT

Happy Monday Friend, In today's Good Parts, I share... 1. An awesome phrase with a great communicationlesson I picked up from a fellow home biz leader 2. A simple tip for moving forward TODAY,in the Most POWERFUL Way 3. And 2 more surprise lessons th ...

The Only 2 Ways To Create Success In A Home Biz [GP12]

April 13th, 2023 at 12:54 pm EDT

Hey Friend, How's it going? I realized I always ask my friends that when we're connecting 1 on 1 - and since I think of you as my friend, I figured - I should ask you the same question. ;-) Anyway, I wanted to send you today's Good Parts Episode #12. ...

this is a TRAGEDY Friend...

April 12th, 2023 at 11:07 pm EDT

Friend, on my way home from a school board meeting tonight I re-watched my live from earlier today and when I finished, I noticed that, even though this could quite possibly be one of my BEST episodes yet, the video only had 11 viewers on YouTube so ...

The Content Dream Trip - 3 Steps To Highly Effective Videos [GP11]

April 12th, 2023 at 12:21 pm EDT

Hey Friend, Lets get ready to RAAAAMBLE! -Mamma Elizabeth ha ha.. Hope your day so far is great! Just wanted to drop you a line let you know that Episode 11 of The Good Parts, with Paul Hutchings is LIVE!It's called The Content Dream Trip, and in i ...

How To Get More People To Watch Your Videos [GP10]

April 11th, 2023 at 11:55 am EDT

Hey Friend, Hope your Tuesday is TERRIFIC so far. I just went live to share a simple but POWERFUL tip on how to get more poeple to watch your videos. You can watch it here if you want to learn the secrets of the universe. ha ha.. jk.. seriously thoug ...

[Good Parts 9] Cool Free A.I. Writing & Research Tool

April 10th, 2023 at 12:24 pm EDT

Hey Friend, Happy Monday! I wanted to let you know that I just released a new video where I talk about a cool free AI writing and research tool that I think you might find useful. This tool is great for anyone who needs help with writing, research, o ...

The Hype Hangover

April 8th, 2023 at 10:42 am EDT

Happy Saturday Friend, One of the most common and almost irresisitble temptations in building a business from home, is to say ANYTHING, and EVERYTHING to entice someone to join. Enthusiasm is excitement for something that's real, and hype is exciteme ...

[GP7] The One Thing Everyone Is An Expert In (even YOU)

April 7th, 2023 at 4:46 pm EDT

Greetings Earthling. Ha ha.. Just kidding hi 👋Friend. Hope you're doing well on this fantastic freedom Friday. I'm headed to watch my sons play some baseball today and before I leave, I wanted to send you Episode 7, of The Good Parts. (pretty soon ...

[Episode 6] The "Good" In My Near Death Experience

April 5th, 2023 at 11:54 am EDT

Hey Friend, You may know I've taken this Good Parts challenge upon myself and have been challenging others (maybe you?) to do it too. Yesterday, I stepped bare foot, full force on a razor blade with the full weight of my body. Shortly after that, I w ...