Subject: The Dastardly Demon (& how to defeat it!)

The Dastardly Demon (& how to defeat it!)

July 21st, 2023 at 12:56 pm EDT

doo, doo, doo how are YOU Friend!? :-) Hopefully AMAZING! So, check this out. This morning, A dear friend shared a secret fear of hers, relating to content creation and lead generation. She ain't alone, and that's a fact. This dastardly demon still ...

How To Grow A Profitible Business, Without Talking About Business

July 20th, 2023 at 12:54 pm EDT

Hey Friend! Yesterday I got the coolest message from a friend who purchased a product from me (HOT DIGGITTY Money Dancing DOG, WAHOOO!!!! YES, I did earn a great commission - but that's not the point).. The point is what this friend said to me... And ...

An Unexpected, Semi Shocking Realization I Had Last Night

July 19th, 2023 at 12:45 pm EDT

Hey Friend! Last night I was watching my youngest son Kashton play in the championship little league game. (yes, thankfully they won - even though they were expected to lose... but that's not the point of this email.)After Kashton's game, my wife Cor ...

success from home even if you've lost faith in humanity...

July 18th, 2023 at 12:17 pm EDT

That may seem like a funny email subject line Friend, but it's a real question I recently got from one of my long time friends and email subscribers. He wrote me back after my What If People Don't Like You Video, and asked the following question... ' ...

Passive Income VS Residual Income (the truth revealed...) ;-)

July 17th, 2023 at 12:20 pm EDT

Happy Magnificent Monday Friend! A week or so ago, one of my friends Chad, left me a comment asking the following question... What's the difference between passive income and residual income? In today's live, I want to share my unique perspective o ...

"but what if they dont' like me?" 🤔

July 12th, 2023 at 11:52 am EDT

Hey Friend! Hope your day is AMAZING! This morning on our Grow Rich Mastermind, I heard something POWERFUL! When I first got started building my business on the internet, I struggled with fear and self-doubt. I wondered What will people think of me i ...

i totally shocked my 11 year old with this surprise move 🤯

July 10th, 2023 at 11:50 am EDT

Happy Magnificent Monday Friend! Hope you had a awesome weekend. Yesterday I was walking through the kitchen and suddenly, I did something that left my 11 year old in a state of shock and awe. Of course, this is one of the funnest things to do as a ...

did you see this Friend?

July 8th, 2023 at 9:51 am EDT

Happy Saturday Friend! Just wondering if you saw this....? I sent it out last week, but I know that with the flurry of emails and life and business, things can easily get lost in the shuffle. This is a presentation that gives a thorough overview of t ...

The $8,000 Treadmill 🤯

July 7th, 2023 at 12:34 pm EDT

Happy Freedom Friday Friend! This morning I was running on my new treadmill, in my new home workout room and I got curious about the cost. (this treadmill was given to me for free).As I searched out the brand of this treadmill, I began to be shocked ...

[Home Biz] - The BEST Thing, Decision & Strategy For Success..

July 6th, 2023 at 2:06 pm EDT

Hey Friend! I'm BAAAACK! Didn't email you yesterday as I was traveling with the family. We went on a little mini vacation to watch the fireworks together. (here's a little pic)...One of the things I love the MOST about building a business from home i ...