Subject: yes Friend, I'm ok... ha ha.. (so sorry)

Hey Friend,

Hope you're day is amazing so far... Wanted to share a funny text (with a lesson) i got from a great friend who also happens to be one of my email subscribers yesterday.

It was around 1:00 PM my time, and I had been working away all morning on a new writing project, when all of a sudden my phone dinged to let me know someone had texted me.

I looked at my phone and saw this...

Aside from being thankful that Nick seemed to have missed my daily email, I was also reminded of a lesson that I just so happened to have been writing about in the writing project I mentioned above.

I love it when the Universe winks, and to me, this was a wink.

See Friend, I was writing about how when I was an 8 year old kid, my dad left my family, and I didn't see him again until his funeral.

To me, this was a gift, because it taught me what it felt like to have someone that you expect to be there, not be there.

This feeling inside, all throughout my childhood, built a motivation within me - to not do what my father had done, but instead - be the change I wished to see in the world.

To me, this meant that I would be there for my family... no matter what!

Additionally, in business, I have found that being there for people, consistantly, over time - is one of the most powerful things you can do for your long term prosperity and inner happiness.

In fact, here are some lines, I had written, just before Nick sent that text.

"I learned that if you want to enjoy success and prosperity, long term, you have to be there for people long term.

If you want to build a reputation that people can count on, you have to be someone they can count on, over time."

One of my first mentors said... "Paul, this is a simple business. It's not an easy business, but it is a simple business."

You'd think that showing up, would be easy... but I've noticed that this is actually one of the gaping holes in the market place.

Many people have a tendency to be "here today, gone tomorrow."


"Committed to one vision, business (you fill in the blank) for X amount of time - and then wallah, committed to something else later."

I've been there myself, so i'm not passing judgement on anyone, just saying that for me, I've come to the conclusion that I much prefer picking a place to plant my roots, and staying planted so I can grow into the biggest tree posssible.

As another mentor said... "Learn to play long term games with long term people."

Anyway Friend, It really is cool that when you're consistent for a while, people notice when you're not.

Thanks so much Nick for the care and love in sending me that text, and for sparking the inspiration (and hopefully wisdom) in this email.

Till next time,


PS - Check out this cool little post one of our new members made yesterday...

Big hugs back Lee, I just LOVE seeing new members succeed so quickly, and be happy on their way to building more freedom in their lives.

PPS - Emerson is a new AI content creation tool we added into one of our already wildly successful subscription products in HBA. Click here if you'd like to check it out.