Subject: who's yo daddy Friend?

Happy Freedom Friday Friend?

Funny question I asked in the subject of this email right?

(Who's yo daddy?)

Funny, but stick with me because there's a point.

Last week I was sitting at one of my son's baseball games wondering why it was that he is bigger, stronger, faster and better at baseball but riding the bench behind a couple smaller freshman who are starting in Varsity over my son.

(I could be biased as a parent - but I don't think so because Kayden really is a great player and always has been)

Anyway, who knows for sure but as I sat there, I thought to myself..

I'm SOOO thankful that direct sales, rewards you 100% for your own efforts and skill.

Has nothing whatsoever to do with who your dad is.

Has nothing whatsoever to do with which ‘boss’ you’re best buds with.

Has nothing whatsoever to with which neighborhood you live in, or what kind of car you drive.

You can start with nothing more than a dream & fire in your eye, and determine your own destiny.

Thank God for direct sales and the internet. A place where the fire of freedom still burns.'

I shared the FULL story along with some other inspiring & educational random hidden treasures of wealth building knowledge on today's edition of The Grow Rich Mastermind, which is 100% free (nothing to buy).

You can listen to that full replay here or by dialing 712-432-0990 access code 565762# (Replay is available for a limited time until it's locked away inside our members vault forever).

That's it for now Friend. Hope you have a great weekend.


PS - Wealthy people take their cues and lessons from reality, not society.

PPS - If you're ready to start building residuals and freedom faster rather than slower, and have an income that will free you sooner rather than later, I highly recommend studying this entire page.

If you already looked it over and are ready to get started, just click on the green button below the video, and fill out the form and I'll be there to help you on the other side.

If you are one of the MANY super smart and heart-centered people who already joined - THANK YOU and great decision!