Subject: where my last 4 sales came from...

Hey Friend!

Happy Labor day if you celebrate. To be honest, I don't even really know what labor day here in the U.S. is for. Whenever it happens i just remember the quote from Jim Rohn where he said...

"Wisdom uninvested in labor is wasted" and then I feel like working. ha ha..

Anyway, in today's email I wanted to share with you about a few things...

  • Where my last 4 sales came from

  • A new and Improved 'done for you content' resource

  • A link to a little post I wrote on The Most Important Skill for success

Ok, first...

Over the last week I enrolled 4 new customers. Here's where they came from.

Gina Fink - My Email List

(She'd emailed me a week or so ago telling me she was going to join back up and she did!)

This highlights the importance of building an email list and keeping both your team members and prospects on it.

Nicole Stoddard - A phone call

Nicole texted me a couple weeks ago about an investment project she wanted to run by me. The investment wasn't for me but I remembered that Nicole and I both share a passion for personal development so, of course, I invited her to take a look at our Let's Goal app.

She joined. This highlights the importance of knowing how to give an effective invitation. Yes, I know how to get leads online, Yes I know how to build an email list and YES I also know how to invite someone to take a look at something that can benefit their life. Why not utilize all the strategies you have available to build your business?

Alexey Negru.  - Facebook Post 

I'd posted a picture of my health transformation and wrote a little post about our challenge. Alexey said he wanted more info so we started chatting in messenger.

While we were chatting, I learned about him and he learned a bit about me. Rather than just "Send the link" I took some extra time finding out about him. I also asked if I could follow up after he watched the video.

I sent him The Challenge Link, followed up and he got started.

This interaction with Alexey highlights the value in building rapport, and also making sure that you follow up with those who've agreed to check out whatever it is you're sharing with them.

We all get busy in life and when follow up is done in the right way, the right people sincerely appreciate it.

Amy Glowniak - Facebook Audio Invitation

I've been friends with Amy and her boo JP for a very long time. I know they're both into health and fitness and thought to myself, you know, I'm gonna invite them to learn about our challenge.

They did and picked up Let's Goal in the process.

This highlights, to me, that no matter how much internet GOO ROOS will bash friends and family, reaching out to the RIGHT friends and family about what you're offering will never be a bad idea or go out of style.

If you want some more tips on working with people via invitations and closing strategies, I have a bunch of golden little nuggets in my Online Recruiting Secrets ebook.

2nd gift button down, here on my Free Gifts page.

Ok, onto the new and improved 'done for you' content resource.

One of the most oft asked questions we get from new home business owners is "What do I post on social media?"

Over my years online I started to notice a pattern with social media posts.

The most engaging posts seem to be beautiful quote images that carry some sort of positive, uplifting or wisdom filled message. Short, eye catching and easy to read.

Now while it IS good to learn to create your own content, I started to notice that the source of these types of posts didn't really seem to matter. It did NOT need to be a quote from me or even an image that I created.

So, some time ago, I started collecting a library of images like this that I found on social media... one's that were getting tons of likes and shares...

Over the last week, I did a MASSIVE update to this file and there are now a whopping 385 proven, done for you social medai share images in this library.

That's 1 for at least every single day of the year!

Now, this library is for Premium Members only, so if you don't want to get started with me in The HBA and earn 80% commissions from your referrals... that's fine, you can simply take this idea and run with it for yourself.

Ok, last little thing for today...

If you are new to home business, there's a chance that you could really suck at it.

That's what happened to me when I got started originally.

In fact, I went my entire first year without making ANY money and the next 4 years weren't much better.

How in the HECK did I survive 5 years of failure so that I could keep going and find the fortune I found on the other side?

It's a little skill called reframing and I was reminded of it last Friday when I failed to finish my final bench press workout for the week.

I'm serious when I say that this is one of the MOST valuable skills I've picked up and used over the years. Not only has it helped me to stay the course, when others would've quit, it's helped me to keep a positive attitude even after negative things happened in my business.

If you don't know how to reframe - or are not very good at doing it yet, this little post is well worth the read.

Ok Friend, that's all for now.

I'm off to the fair to hang out with my Cutie Patootie wife, Corene.

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, ALWAYS go for your dreams!
