Subject: where God resides...

Hey Friend!

I was just sitting here doing some planning for our upcoming Freedom Fest event in Dallas Texas and I realized I hadn't created any content for the day.

And then it hit me, ooooooh... I should share a bit of inspiration I picked up from some of my reading the other morning.... 'Where God Resides...'

Real quick though... I have to tell you about something I learned while creating the new video for our Trinity transformation challenge.

While we were shooting the video, my business partner Mike was showing one of his favorite features on our Let's Goal personal transformation app.

I was amazed because even though I've been using this app for years now, I had know idea this feature existed nor did I realize how valuable it was.

Here's the skinny...

When you're setting up your daily tasks, there's a little option to make the task repeat.

If you check that little magic box, the repeating task will automatically show up on your task list each and every day and will stay there until you mark it off. Then it will move down to 'completed tasks' with a cool little strikethrough.

For me, having tasks that automatically repeat is SUPER useful because we all know that success isn't made in a day but it is developed daily.

Over my years in business, I've realized that it's not what you do, but what you do daily that seems to make the biggest difference.

Having this little repeating task list helps me to start each day knowing exactly what I need to do to move towards the future I want.

Anyway, I just wanted to pass that along just in case you might find it valuable.

Ok, onto the message - Where God Resides...

You may or may not know that I set a goal, sometime ago, to read the Old Testament from start to finish.

I haven't given up on that goal, in fact, it's my wisdom goal for the Trinity Challenge.

All that to say that I've run into some inspiring things in this ol book from time to time and THIS week, I stumbled onto something that really resonated with me.

The story happens with King David who is wise old Soloman's dad.

There's a point in the story where King David starts thinking about building a house for God to dwell in. (Guessing a tabernacle or temple or something like that.)

Anywho, this guy named Nathan is sent to David with a message from God and here's what he says...

"Go and tell David my servant, Thus sayeth the Lord, Thou shalt not build me an house to dwell in."

And here's the kicker...

"For I have not dwelt in an house since the day that I brought up Israel unto this day; but have gone from tent to tent, and from one tabernacle to another.

Wheresover I have walked with all Israel....

...I have been with thee whithersoever thou hast walked... "

Now listen Friend, like Jim Rohn once said "I'm an ameteur when it comes to the Bible."

That being said, I was struck with a particular piece of inspiration when I read those lines.

Here's what I told my kids about it last night before bed...

"Boys, to me this means that - while it can be good to seek God in special places, houses of worship, spiritual sanctuaries, etc... It doesn't seem to be a requirement.

It seems these versus are telling us that God dwells with us, and we can touch the divine, wherever we're located physically, as long as we're in the right spot spiritually."

What's that right spot?

IMO - a sincere heart.

This has been my experience over my years of life and business.

I have found that whenever I have been humble enough to reach out for divine help, with a sincere heart, and a willingness to follow the inspiration - I have found the guidance I was looking for.

My personal belief is that God dwells within us all and that's one of the reasons I think we all have so much potential within us to do amazing things life.

Anyway, maybe we can remember this little lesson the next time we're staring up at some magnificent religious structure.

We may be using our eyes to see, something that could be better reached, in our hearts.

So there you have my little message today.

I hope it inspired you in some way.

And if not, hey, that's ok... At least I can go cross off "daily content" from that repeating task list. ;-)

Love and believe in you Friend.

Paul Hutchings

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PS: We added a little 'cliff notes version' of the challenge on the video page in case you're one of those...

"Don't tell me about the dilivery just show me the baby" kind of person...

You can find it right below the video on a text link and that will allow you to get the quick & dirty challenge details on a fast little easy to read doc.

Please let me know if you have any questions.