Subject: [video] the 2 most important days of your life...

Hey Friend, here's a quick pop quiz for you...

The 2 most important days of a person's life are...

The day _____ ________ ___________.

And the day _______ _______ ______ _______.

Do you know what goes in those blanks?

Yesterday I had the chance to talk about this with my kids and I was so thankful to have had this conversation with them.

If you want to hear about our chat, and learn what the answers to those blanks are, you can take a peek at today's replay of The Good Parts.

Talk more soon,


PS: Shout out to my good friend Rob Skinner, who got started on this transformational app, right after I sent you my last email.

While I was talking with Rob, helping him fill out the form to get started, he told me...

"Paul, just last week I was telling myself, I need to find a place to keep a digital journal so I can write down all the important ideas I have.

Often, I'll have these great ideas, and then later, when I go to use them, I'll find that I have forgotten them.

"I need to write them down," he told me.

And that's one of the greatest benefits of this little app.

It gives you a centralized place, where you can easily write down all the best ideas and happenings of your life, so you can remember them, in the future, when you need them.

And, if you use audio dictation on your phone, you can even speak these ideas into your digital journal so it's even easier to get them down.

Another thing I mentioned to Rob, that's really powerful, is having your phone read your notes back to you outloud.

If you haven an iphone, you can simply pull up any page of notes, or even a journal entry and say...

"Hey Siri, speak screen."

Siri will then read, out loud, to you what you've written.

My favorite way to use this, is by keeping all of my notes, for a book i'm reading, in one journal entry...

Before I pick back up in the book where I left off the day before, I'll have siri read to me all of my notes from that book.

This makes it so the ideas and understanding really sink into my mind, and I can be in the best position to pick up what's next.

Anyway, I'm finding this app, combined with these little tech tips, to be one of the most powerful things I've done for my daily growth.

I hope these tips can help you, and if you want to give this app a try, as long as you use coupone code 40off before it expires tomorrow night, you can get it all set up, and start using it for a whopping 6 bucks.

Jim Rohn, a millionaire mentor from Idaho once said, "Write it down. Don't trust your memory, write it down."  

Seems to me to be a great little piece of advice.