PS: If you missed my email yesterda, we crossed $6 million in commissions paid out to affiliates. WAHOOO
Just wanted to celebrate a bit and say THANK YOU to everyone who's helped to make this possible. This has been the most beautiful example of "Community creation" and heart-centered alignment I've ever experiened in my business life.
I'm filled with gratitude for where we came from, where we've been and where we're headed as we continue to fight for people's freedom and build something that makes it truly, within reach for anyone with a dream and a willingness to work and be coachable.
Anyway, I was in the mood to write and reflect on some of my recent learnings (and share some more of the exciting updates) so I published a new blog post.
In this post I share..
-A GREAT piece of advice that a mentor got from a mentor and shared with me on one of our recent coaching masterminds. I've never heard this phrase before and it describes perfectly how to make yourself more attractive without coming off as flashy or arrogant. *This post is worth reading for that one nugget, alone.
I also share some enhancements we made to one of our products & affiliate system, along with the reasons WHY we made these updates - which, you can profit from, even if you're not in our company.
**This reveals the truth about the #1 thing people are attracted to first, when joining a home based business opportunity.
(Hint, it's not products, comp plan or company leadership team)
Knowing this truth, and deciding to go all in with it can set you apart from the crowd and place you and your business in a category of 1 - even if there are thousands of others selling the same things you're selling.
Anyway, that's some of what you'll find in today's post, should you decide to read.