Subject: this movie can be a blessing Friend...

Hey Friend,

I wanted to tell you about an AWESOME movie that you can watch for free on Amazon Prime video (if you have it). I think you can also rent it at Redbox too if you don't have Amazon prime.

It's called 'Dare To Dream' and was made in partnership with

Rhonda Burns and The Secret brand.

This movie is made with real professional actors, it's not hoky at all and does SUCH a great job expressing the value of looking at life in a way that seems to attract good things.

Here's a semi uncomfortable truth about my life...

One of my biggest secrets to success is the ability I've developed in myself to have a positive mental attitude in my business life.

I'm telling you there is real magic in this..

The uncomfortable truth is that one of my greatest sources of negativity tends to come from my family life and so I know this is something I need to work on.

My family is AMAZING and I love them all very much and they are also one of the greatest sources of joy for me BUT I have 4 young boys and if you know anything about kids...

They occasionally love to...

Fight, argue, hit, yell, complain, blame... so on and so forth..

I can list a bunch of amazingly positive things about my kids too Friend, so don't get me wrong... they are awesome and I love them.. and they are also normal kids which sometimes brings that negative energy I mentioned above.

I really want to have a positive impact on this and so I recently told my boys..

I have only 2 rules in this house...

  1. Positive energy only

  2. Listen to mom and dad

We'll see how that goes.. ha ha.. BUT the point here is... We watched the movie I mentioned above last night and they were glued to the screen the whole time and I know this movie can help with some of what I'm working on with my family.

Anyway, just wanted to recommend this to you if you haven't seen it or even if you've seen it, definitely worth watching again. I told my wife Corene yesterday that I'd love to watch this movie with my family every day for the next 30 days... :-)

That's if for today Friend.

Thank you for being on my email list. I love you and I believe in you.


PS - 'Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.' -Albert Einstein (This is one of the awesome quotes from the movie)

PPS - I invited an awesome lady named Pat to look at our all in one presentation yesterday and when I called her back to see what she thought she said..

'This is the COOLEST thing I've seen in a LONG time?'

I said - really?

She said 'YES! I want to be a freedom crusader!'

Then she joined and I earned a $400 commission, increased my monthly residuals by $120 AND helped to feed 1 child a full days worth of meals for 20 days!

You can see what Pat saw, if you want to right here.