Subject: they lied to me...

Happy Rising Friend,

(Unless you're reading this later in the day, and in that case, I still hope you're happy) :-)

When I first got started on my journey to growing a residual income from home, I quickly realized that someone was lying to me.

Some people, people I loved and trusted, told me that to have a goal to make a certain amount of income, was a greedy thing to focus on.

"There's so much more to life than money, and after all, Paul, like the Bible says... The Love of money is the root of all evil."

At the exact same time that I was hearing these ideas, I had other people, new people, mentors - who were telling me that it was right to be rich and that I could do more good in the world, if I had more money.

What was a poor guy in a trailer-house to do?

Since I was reading "Think And Grow Rich" at the time, I decided I would Think about it.

It didn't take much time for me to come to a SHOCKING conclusion... (shocking to some anyway)

I decided for myself that,

"To not think about money was actually the more selfish thing to do, because if you never think about money, you're basically making it so other people are responsible for taking care of you and your needs."

Since I didn't want to be a burden on anyone else, I decided to go for the money!

Now, to be fair Friend, after years of reflection, I realized that there may have been some wisdom in both pieces of advice.

Funny how it is, that sometimes, 2 seeming opposites can be true at the same time.

Here's what I mean...

If you focus on money and money alone, to the exclusion of all other life's values, you could be headed for a lonely, empty life.

Napleon Hill wrote a list called "The 12 Great Riches Of Life" and guess where Money fell on the list Friend?

Since Napoleon Hill was the author of the book Think And Grow Rich, you'd think Money would be numero uno on the list wouldn't you?

Well, if that was your guess, you'd be wrong!

The almightly dollar actually came in, last place, at number 12.

But guess what Friend, it was still on the list!

So the truth in both of the above "Lies" - or "pieces of advice" (depending on how you see them)...

Probably lies somewhere in the middle.

One of my all time favorite quotes comes from Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad and it's as follows...

"Intelligience is the ability to make finer distinctions."

Sounds like great advice to me.

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams.

