Subject: they laughed at us...

Hey Friend,

A week or so ago, it was my wife Corene's birthday so I woke up a bit early to go and grab her some breakfast.

My 2 little guys wanted to come and do some last minute shopping for mom so we all hopped into my car and headed to town.

As we were leaving the parking lot of the restaraunt, my kids noticed that there were some people standing in the parking lot, pointing at our car and laughing.

Specifically, they were pointing and laughing at my licence plate.

Can you imagine? People laughing at a very nice, new dream car that I paid cash for, because it had one of the tips that helped me to get it, displayed on the plate?

Of course you can because you probably know by now, that some will laugh at your dreams.

They laugh, only because it's much easier than actually going for their own dreams in life, and laughing gives them a temporary sense of superiority and illusional status elevation.

This was a great lesson for my sons and I'm grateful we all got laughed at together.

For my sons to be as great as they can be, they need to learn, sooner than later, that it's FAR more important to be inner directed in life, and this means we have to learn to live and work and dream and build according to what WE think is right, and learn to "shrug off" whatever they might have to say about it.

And I'm happy to report that this week I was able to buy another personalized licence plate for the new truck we bought earlier this year...

We haven't recieved the plate yet, but here's a pic... (I'm SOOO excited to have this as it's the perfect companion to the one above)...

Isn't that awesome!?

I try to teach my sons that they can have or do anything they want in life, if they'll learn to...

  1. Know exactly what they want (purpose)

  2. Persist NO MATTER WHAT.

I love having these 2 reminders for myself now, on my vehicles that I can see every where I go... and so can my kids...

I like to think that maybe, as I'm driving, others might see these messages and be inspired too.

Anyway, this was just a little thought on my mind this morning that I wanted to send your way...

I hope it shines a bit of light on your path today.

All the best,


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PS: I was chatting with my friend Amy yesterday, and I asked her if she was going to watch the presidential debate.

She told me 'no' and of course, I understood why. For the most part, politics is a negative influence on our minds and usually does not produce a positive state for us to move forward in love, faith, unity, harmony and goodwill...

I told Amy I was going to watch it, partly for entertainment and partly because I do care about society and freedom.

Long story short, Amy was right.

My wife stopped watching a few minutes in because it was having a negative affect on her mind and emotions...

I did watch the whole thing but man, truly felt like my soul needed a shower afterward.

Feeling extra thankful this morning because I went through my magical morning routine, and feeling so much better now.

My friend Brett likes to say "You can take the spiritual path, or the psychopath."

Politics, unfortunately, often feels like the Psychopath.

The truth I've lived by over the last couple decades, is that as long as we have some peace and freedom around us, we can create abundance, goodness and prosperity, reguardless of 'who's in charge.'

It's FAR more useful to focus on our own lives, goals, thoughts and actions when it comes to creating a better future for ourselves and those we love.

If we can 'be the change we wish to see in the world' - maybe, our lights can make a difference.

Anyway, that's what I'm working on doing, as best I can, in my business and my life.

I know you're probably doing the same so thank you!