Subject: they don't teach this in leadership school...

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

So I've been making these 1 minute videos for social media recently and I LOVE them because they are a very simple way to generate leads and also add value to the world at the same time.

Anyway, yesterday one of my business partners - an AMAZING leader in the home biz profession, was inspired by my one minute video and made another video talking about it.

One of the things she loved was that I didn't get all dressed up or have a bunch of fancy editing.

When I posted this video in our community group, I misspelled it 'REAL' instead of 'REEL'.

Amy thought this was a happy accident on my part that led to a great insight to more sales.

Bottom line, when you're REAL with people - you tend to build a better connection with them. If you have a better connection with them.. 'Know, like, love' -> they are much more likely to join you business when the timing is right for them.

Anyway, here's the video, in case you wanna see it.

Talk soon Friend & hope you're day is amazing! (like Christmas on a stick) :-)
