Subject: they don't teach this in 'attraction marketing' school...

Howdy Friend,

The other day on one of our Grow Rich Mastermind calls, one of our participants dropped a term that I instantly fell in love with.

"Unconcious non Inclusion"

This is where people - unknowingly - use their language in ways where people listening, feel excluded or judged.

Many times this happens because the person is so passionate about what they're doing or believing, they forget that there are many different types of people, doing and believing in many different types of things, listening to the message.

If you just pay attention to the way you speak and write, you can learn to communicate in a way where people feel seen, loved, accepted and appreciated.

(You're probably already doing this Friend, but just in case you're not - I wanted to be sure and pass along)

I've found this to be one of the most important leadership communication traits, for attracting people for both now, and far off into the future.

Plus, it feels amazing to wrap people in the warm comfy blanket of your words as you help them remember or realize how important they really are.

All the best,


PS - Here's my super dooper video for today. It's called "One Of Your Soul's Most Attractive Superpowers"

PPS - Did you hear about the fish who walked into a bar and asked for a drink Friend?

Bartender says.. "What'll ya have?'

Fish says... in the raspiest, dryest voice you can imagine...


ha ha...

If you join our community, you can hear even more of these awesome and amazing jokes. Or you can teach me better ones. ;-)