Subject: they can't give you money if....

Hey Friend,

Just a quick little thought for you today.

They can't give you money if....

They don't know who you are in the first place.

This means that the first rule of marketing is to make sure people know who you are...


This morning at 5:30 AM, as I was stretching for my workout, I snapshotted a little quote from my morning routine app and posted it to my socials with a link for people to join

This gave me a chance to earn some cash... No post, no chance.

Next, I uploaded a short video to all my socials.

Boom! Another chance to impact someone's life, make myself more known to others and yes, another opportunity for people to send me money via a purchase.

Last, I'm writing you this email today to get a little message out.

You get the point right?

So many people are wondering why they aren't making money in their home business and for a TON of them, the first answer is...


Scared of videos?

Not sure what to write?

Talk to people.

This is another way for people to get to know you.

Bottom line Friend, if you're not giving people a chance to get to know you, your chances of earning money are zippo.

Anyway, I really wanna encourage you to do something today that can give people the chance to get to know you.

You're a gift and your job as a home business entrepreneur, at least partially, is to make sure you do your part to help others recieve the gift of you today.

All the best!


PS: Huge shout out to Dome who watched this video and got started with me via our "all in one" business offer.  

Dome now has access to all the tools and strategies that helped me to retire young & free at 40 AND...

Is in position to grow his freedom MUCH faster with $120 residual commissions for each and every customer!

Did you know it's possible to earn $3,200 per month in residual income with just 25 customers with this plan we created Friend?

Honestly that still blows my mind.

If this intrigues you, please make sure you watch this video to see this unusually profitible digital wealth machine I helped create for you.

Oh and if you already have a business you love, GREAT NEWS, you can still use our products to enhance whataver it is you're doing now and the extra residaul via our affiliate program can be a fun little bonus.

Thanks for reading and hope you have an awesome day!