Subject: the walmart dude taught us this...

Hey Friend,

The other day my son and I were in Walmart picking up something.

While we were talking to the clerk he said, 'I no maka the rules, I just follow them.'

My son and I completed our purchase and as we were leaving the store I asked my son.

'Son, do you want to be someone who makes the rules or follows them?'

He said 'Makes the rules'.

I then asked 'who makes the rules in Walmart, the employees or the business owners?'

He replied - 'the owners'.

'What does that tell you about your path in life son?'

'That if I want to be someone who makes the rules rather than follow them, I have to be a business owner.'

That's right.

Of course there will always be some rules we have to follow, but it seems to be true that the more financially independent we become, the less rules there are and the more personal freedom we enjoy.

So Friend, please do what you need to do to either place yourself on the appropriate path for you, or dig in deeper if you're already there to make sure you get to where you want to go.

If I can help, please let me know.

Make it a great day!
