Subject: the dumbest personal development quote…

Hey Friend, 

Hope you're having an amazing day! 

I'm sitting in a parking lot waiting for my wife to get out of a store and figured I would make good use of the time and send you a little note. 😊

Over the years, you hear a lot of different things from a lot of different people. 

Some things are wise, and others just sound wise on the surface. 

There's one phrase, I hear fairly often that's bugged me for a long time. 

I could never really quite put my finger on it.  It just always sounded "off" to me. 

Yesterday I wrote a few thoughts to myself on why I think this is the dumbest personal development phrase.  

Here's the phrase - "If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room." 

I say nonsense. 

To me, This is dumb because.. 

  1. What if you’re smart and sharing your knowledge with others… still in the wrong room? 
  2. No one is the smartest at everything so it’s not even even possible to be the smartest one in the room. 
  3. Assuming you’re in the wrong room because you have nothing to learn from others, just means you’re arrogant, and that’s not smart at all.  
  4. What if you’re in a room for reasons other than to learn something from someone?  There are benefits to be derived from human relationships, other than knowledge transfer, aren’t there?  
  5. What if you’re in a room with a client who’s paying you a good sum of money because of your expertise in a certain area… is this the wrong room? 

I think this phrase is used mostly by people selling tickets to access their ‘special’ room.  

Anyway, there's my little rant for the day.  

Thanks for reading, and, like my friend Dean always says... "don't take any wooden nickels." 🤪


PS:  this last weekend we crossed over 200,000 days of meals provided to Feed My Starving Children via our 80% commission, high value product commission model.  

I'm super pumped about that.  

If you'd like to take a peek, to see if this might just be the business for you, I'd love to invite you to look, and get started, if it resonates with you. 

Here's my favorite link for that.