Subject: the bankers may hate me for this...

Hey Friend,

The bankers may not love me for this episode, but I don't care.

The other day I got a question from a great friend and fellow freedom crusader named Jessie Jenkins.

She knows I'm a fan of getting out of debt and strive to encourage others to do the same...

She's been hearing some people talk about how paying off your mortgage might not be the smartest thing to do and asked me what I would have to say about their arguments.

This video, is an answer to that question.

I think this video is perfect to watch if you have debt and want to get rid of it.

It's also good to watch if you are already on the path to becoming debt free because you can learn some ideas that will allow you to combat the arguments trying to distract you from your path.

Additionally, this video is perfect for those who just want to learn more about & understand money a bit better.

Hope it adds great value to your life and future today Friend.

To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings

PS: Dead money does nothing. Live money is put to use, doing good useful things in the world for self and others.

PPS: I truly believe this, can help you earn more income, payoff debt faster and create more freedom in your life.