Subject: the TRUTH about you Friend..

Dear Friend,

Every once in a while I have a flash of inspiration flood through my being.

This content of this email is the result of one of those flashes here about an hour ago.

Call it whatever you wish to call it. I just know that I'm supposed to share it. Do with it what you will, but I believe, this is the TRUTH about YOU!

You are powerful beyond your ability to understand.

You are smarter than you give yourself credit for and this will become even more and more apparent as you continue to stretch your mind and expose it to new ideas, experiences and people.

You are loved.   By the people around you, by people you haven't met yet, by me and by the divine... God, the Universe... The infinite.

You can do great things. Even greater than you can imagine right now, and even greater than anything you've done in the past.

You are resilient. You have and can continue to bounce back from ANYTHING. Nothing can stop you, Nothing can keep you down... nothing can prevent you from achieving that which you throw your heart, mind and soul into because YOU Friend, are a divine spark with infinite potential.

The task in front of you is NEVER as great as the power behind you and within you.

You are a light. Imagine if Earth were an empty planet. It would be a dark and dreary place. People are what lights this place up and YOU are one of them. Keep shining Friend.

You are worthy for all the great things life has to offer.

You are perfect. Not complete, not done, not finished, but perfect for where you are right now. You perfect past has led you to this perfect place and all the things in your current life are perfectly placed to be just what you need right now in this moment of time.

You have everything you need inside you to succeed now. There will never be another time but now. You can do what you need today, and what you need will be added today, and tomorrow's today will find you better equipped in an even more perfect way to embrace the next level of success that's there waiting.

You can be free. The human soul is born free and yearns to express that freedom to it's maximum potential while allowing others the same gift to express their freedom in safe ways.

The desire of freedom within you is proof that freedom without you is obtainable and worth embracing.

That's it for now.

Keep unfolding the seed of your soul because that's why you are here.

All the best,


PS - This page, and what's on the other side is a real gift, just like you.