Subject: the TRUTH about home business poverty...

Hey Friend,

I'm one of the most positive guys you'll ever meet in life. And that's why writing this email hurts me. I don't love calling attention to negativity and that's why, I rarely ever do, even when it's true.

But when your life, your future, your family and your freedom are on the line, I have to force myself to do what I don't like to do, because it's important.

So pay attention because I'm about to expose the smoke and mirrors behind the curtains of the home business world that most people only see if they've been through all that I've been through.

First and foremost, residual income from home, in the VAST majority of opportunities out there, is a COMPLETE ILLUSION.

Here's why.

  • The commission payout rate - In many, many companies, they will tease you with how easy it is to earn X amount of residual income but base all of those projections on fancy slides that hide the fact that those number will only and ever be achieved IF an army of people that you have no control over do what the slide says they will do and 'duplicate' like little bunny rabbits. This makes it so the residual income you generate from your personal results, in most cases is completely laughable, and will only ever turn into something to smile at IF, a whole bunch of people (again, whom you have no control over) do what they slide says they'll do, which In my experience never happens.

  • The commission payout philosophy - Unfortunately most companies out their preaching freedom, are run by fat cats in corporate suits. This means that people are placing their dreams of freedom in the hands of the exact people we (in many cases) detested in the job world. And here's where the rubber meets the road. When these 'suits' decided that your hard earned residual income is less important than - > The companies growth, paying top leaders, fattening the shareholders wallets or keeping you enslaved to producing for the rest of your life, whether you want to or not. This is when they will decide to 'enhance the compensation plan' by stealing your freedom money and putting it wherever they want to put it.

  • The weak resolve of leadership - Did you know that the vast majority of home based 'opportunities' are dead and gone within the first couple years? Did you know that time and time again, corporate leaders have made poor decisions out of lack of integrity or foolishness that have destroyed incomes, trust, companies and dreams. Did you know this is the norm, rather than the exception?

I still remember that day I got a call from a successful businessman in my home town because he'd heard that I'd had a lot of success in network marketing.

He asked me if I could be the president of a company and when I asked him 'why' he told me 'because I have an idea that I think would make a killing delivered in the network marketing model'.

For some reason, I felt icky when he said that because I realized he didn't give 2 hoots about the people that would be joining his company as reps, he was 100% focused on 'the killing' he could make for himself as the company owner.

I'm not saying that all owners are like this, but I am saying that enough of them are that my experience all throughout my home business journey was FILLED with everything above and more, which destroyed every, single residual income I built up over the first 12 years of my journey.

If there's one thing I never want to be, it's a liar and that's exactly what I started to feel like when I'd tell people 'You can join me and build a residual income to last a lifetime.'

And I wasn't the only one who felt that way. MANY of my friends who were so passionate about the freedom crusade, left home business all together because they also didn't want to be liars.

Through some strange stroke of luck, or maybe it was, in some divine way, just meant to be...

I had a great friend and business partner with a heart like mine.

We had spent many nights in hotel rooms (separate beds of course) at events, staying up late into the night at events, talking about how we could do a better job of helping our teams win.

I knew this guy, I loved him, I trusted him, and I knew he didn't want to be a liar either.

So when we started talking about what we could do - to not be liars and also not be quitters, at the same time - A spark of hope began to rise in my heart.

Maybe, just maybe, we could be the change we wished to see in the home business world.

We started to list out everything we didn't love (ok, i'll say it... everything we HATED about what we'd experienced in home business up to that point)...

And we listed out everything we LOVED about it...

Could we create a company, a dream business that had only the things we loved, with none of the things we hated?

Could we create something where no one EVER got hurt, and where every single person who we touched along the way was better for the experience?

What felt, in the beginning like nothing more than a pipe dream, has turned into the most amazing, profitable, rewarding, transformative, faith enhancing 'thing' I've ever been a part of in my entire life.

It's so much bigger than an 'income opportunity' AND it's the BEST income opportunity in the world, all at the same time.

If you really run the numbers, and I mean pull out a calculator and do the math, you'll see that there is NOTHING on planet earth that can help you build a sizeable residual income, faster easier and with less work than here with what we've created.

And since our philosophy is to protect that residual, we NEVER do anything that would ever hurt it like...

  • Changing the comp plan

  • Monetizing (and chasing off your customers) through constant and never ending product launches designed to make the big wigs the cash and hurt everyone else

  • So on and so forth...

Anyway Friend, I hope you're starting to see why my friend Todd said at our last event that he believes 'this is an opportunity of a lifetime.'

And why I and over 1,500 active customers and affiliates agree.

And this is why, if you decide to be one of the 5 people I'm looking for this weekend, to mentor and help... this is the place we're going to begin building your future with.

I'll be sending you more info this weekend, but if you're already starting to see, how unique and special this opportunity is... I would encourage you to click the green button right below this video and fill out the form as fast as you possibly can and get started before the 5 spots fill up and I believe they will fill up FAST.

Here's what I've sent you so far, in case you want to review...

Email 1 

Email 2

Email 3

Talk soon,
