Subject: should you lead with products or opportunity Friend? (this will surprise some...)

Hey Friend!

This week some interesting conversations from random people all came together, pointing to this video topic for today.

Someone wrote in our private coaching group that they are not interested in promoting opportunity, and instead want to build a business by selling products alone. (while that's not my approach, I'm totally cool with people doing this if that's what they want to do).

That being said, I truly believe there are some answers to this question that might give you more flexibility and prosperity in how you choose to promote whatever it is you're promoting.

These ideas have made a BIG difference for me and helped me to win my freedom much faster, than had I not known these little distinctions.

In today's video - I share them all and I truly hope they help you and those you serve to make the best choice here.

If you decide to watch, I also talk a bit about a special live training I'll be doing tomorrow morning that you may find very valuable.

Be sure and watch today's video all the way to the end if you want to learn about our special training event, and to learn how you can register to attend.

Thanks for reading!

To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings