Subject: she's a big fat copier (and it's making her sales)

Hey Friend!

I'm listening to our "What's Working Now" webinar which takes place every Monday night. (It's basically a place where we learn from people who are making recent sales)

Here's a pic...

Tonight, one of the trainers, an awesome lady named Christine O who was teaching us how she's created the success she's building in her home business and she said, multiple times,

I'm basically a big fat copier.

She went on to talk about how she's been consuming all of our training, attending all of our masterminds and basically copying what people are teaching and it's working for her!

It made me think of something I heard Bob Proctor say at an event one time that really hit me.

"I have licence to brag because none of this stuff is mine."  

It was so good to me because it felt so true.

All of the great ideas we hear from the people we love to listen to, likely, originally came from someone else.

The people we hear them from were simply good students.

They listened, took notes, applied, and passed those notes onto others and wallah, they suddenly look awesome and amazing and magnetic.

This is true for me and because I experienced it myself, it gives me hope that anyone else, who has a strong desire, can do the same.

This is one of the reasons I never get all bent out of shape when I see people using something I may have said without crediting me.

In my mind, good ideas belong to the universe, or God or to all of humanity. Who am I to get mad at someone for sharing something I said, when odds are, I got if from someone else anyway.

Anyway Friend, just some food for thought.

If you can be a good sponge, like Christine, and pay attention to the people who have the results you want, and listen to them, and be around them and study them...

The magic you think they have, will likely sprinkle itself into your soul and you'll find yourself waving your wand and sprinkling pixy dust over the people who hear and read your words.

It's truly amazing how this happens.

I believe in you Friend. Thanks so much for being on my email list. I like to think that by us staying connected, we can influence each other to be better and as far as I can tell, that's the only way the world gets better.

Thanks for reading & hope you have a great night!


PS:  Have you seen The Last Honest Business yet? ;-)

Check out this brand spankin new 7 minute video to learn more, if you want.

PPS:  Huge shout out to Scott Thompson from Kansas who saw the message on the other side of that new video today and made a decision to get started!

I'm so excited for Scott because he's just given himself access to a door, the same door I walked through years ago, that has led me to a life of SO MUCH FREEDOM!

In fact, today I spent the entire day with my family and hardly worked a lick.

We had a tree fall down in our yard so I had to move that away with my tractor.

2 of my sons needed some help with planning and creating a productive day so I spent quite a bit of time helping them.

My youngest son, Kash, needed a haircut so my wife and I took him to get that taken care of, and then had some dinner afterward.

This door, that Scott chose to walk through, made it so I didn't have to worry about money today because...

a) I have a great amount of residual income from this business


B)  Thanks to what's taught inside The Last Honest Business, I've been able to create evergreen marketing online that made it so, even though I wasn't working today, somehow Scott still found my link, saw the video and got started.

Even after all these years, I'm still so blown away that it's possible to create income in this way.

It's why I've become a 'crusader' for freedom, residual income, leverage, and heart-centered service within the home business space... and especially putting all the BEST lessons and coaching inside our platform, so others can learn and apply to break free from whatever they are working to break free from FASTER.

If any of that resonates with you Friend, please give this 7 minute video a serious look and if it resonates with you, be sure to click the button below to see all the details.