Subject: she saved dinner, but broke her nose...

Hey Friend,

Last week, on a webinar we do for new members in our company, my business partner said something wise.

"If you're in a hurry, you'll be in a hurry for YEARS trying to make money."

On this morning's Grow Rich Mastermind, my friend Amy told a story about how she was rushing around trying to get some lasagna somewhere for dinner and she actually hit her face into the car and broke her nose.


Wallace Wattles writes in his book, The Science Of Getting Rich,

"Remember that in the moment you begin to hurry you cease to be a creator and become a competitor."

Back in the day, when I was making a lot of phone calls and talking to prospects, growing my way to freedom, I remember hearing training about getting on and off the phone as fast as possible.

When I found someone interesting, I ignored this advice and did the opposite.

I would take my time and often, spend 30 minutes or more on the phone with some people.

Sometimes, I'd hang up the phone without even having talked about business, and then in the next few minutes, I'd notice a sale notification pop into my email inbox.

Point is, for me, in that case, being not in a hurry, was a a very profitible thing for me to do.

Nowadays I really don't like the feeling of being rushed, or feeling like I have to 'hurry up' and get something done.

It truly does feel like it's taking me out of the creative mode.

My best emails seem to be written when I have the time to just write, from the heart, something that I sincerely hope will help someone.

Anyway, I thought this was a great message to pass along to you today as, to me, it really is good news that I can peacefully create, teach, inspire and continue to build a life of even more freedom for myself and others.

I believe the same is true for you Friend.

Yes, take action - but do it consistantly, carrying a state of grattitude and divine grace with you each moment.

Not only can the result be much better, but the process for getting to the result can be FAR more enjoyable and worth while.

Thanks for reading and make it a fantastic day today!

All the best,


PS - Another one of my favorite phrases on this topic comes from a dear friend, Minister Kristian, and he says "All in divine order."

I've heard him say this now for YEARS and I love it. It always brings me a sense of peace and helps me to know that everything is working for my good, and it will all happen when it's supposed to happen.

PPS - This is one of the reasons that we really don't focus on rank and status in our company. I was on the phone with Amy the other day and she was reaching out to some of our top affiliates to invite them to do some training for us.

She told me that when she informed them that they had made the "Leaderboard" they responded with "We have a leader board? Where is that?"

I laughed because Mike and I sort of intentionally hid this part of our business because, we don't want ourselves and everyone else feeling like they have to be in any sort of a rushed competition to beat people or make it to the top.

To me, this helps to create a much better feeling within our community, and I once again, I LOVE not feeling rushed or in competition with anyone.

And it's not just me Friend, who notices the special environment we're creating for each other here, check out this brand new testimonial that came in from a new member this this week.