Subject: over 275K per month! (Who cares right..?)

Hey Friend,

It's hard to believe I'm sitting here writing you an email to report that the company I'm helping to build just crossed $275,000 in monthly recurring revenue.

Hard to believe because it seems like just yesterday, when I was sitting down to my computer in that little teeny, tiny trailer-house office, to start making videos for the internet, so I could take care of my family.

My big dream back then was $3,000 per month.

Now it feels like I'm living in a dream that just keeps getting bigger and better and more magical.

But who cares right?

$275K per month is just a number and honestly, screenshots are so empty because they only display a teeny tiny fraction of something.

It's like if business were a movie, a revenue or income screenshot would be a pixel from one of the scenes from that movie.

I think this is why so many people, so often - tend to have a distaste for "Money shots".

We all want what the money can do, but we sometimes feel a bit off, if someone's flashing cash everywhere.

It's an interesting dilemma in marketing for sure.

This is why, I believe it's important, to always strive to put soul into your marketing.

Take the time to provide context, and story, and details and messages of impact that make up whatever number you're sharing with people.

For example.

Why do I care about the $275K per month number?

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that 80% of it going out to people I love, affiliates of our company, and helping them to build lives of freedom, much faster, hopefully, than they could have done with anything else in the world.

I believe in freedom. I think people are more alive, and authentic and self expressed when they're free.

I believe that more good is done in the world when people have the time and the money to focus on doing more good.

So this pumps me up.

The 2nd thing that fires me up and gets me out of bed in the morning, in relation to this fast rising metric of monthly revenue, is the fact that a consistent and healthy portion of it, is going directly to help feed starving kids in the world.

I think one of life's greatest tragedies is that there are children living in the world today who don't have food to eat.

And unfortunately, children also dying today, for the same reason.

This is a video we took of our community volunteering at the organization we donate this money to.

Our rising revenue number means that more and more kids will have nutrition to help them survive and thrive.

In fact, $275K per month in our company means that over 11,000 days of meals, each and every month, is being provided because we all decided to band together, and do something good in the world.

Our goal with this weeks promotion, is to surpass $300K per month which would mean 12,480 days of meals every month.

Another thing that pumps me up about this rising revenue number is, it means that our community is growing.  

Well gee Paul, why is that such a big deal?

It's because in life, we all need a core community (as my friend Sean Canty says) and unfortunately, many of the communities in the world like to try and force us into their little boxes, in order to feel accepted.

They judge us, they shame us, they condemn us, they tell us we're weird, they make us feel unwelcome or unwanted or that there's something wrong with us.

This, in my opinion, is not cool.

Our community strives to be the change here.

We believe that all humans are valuable and deserve to be loved and accepted.

Aside from that, making money from home, for many people requires the willingness to embark upon a journey.

A journey of self discovery, of growth, of transformation.

If there's not a community to support and guide you on this journey, it can be easy to get frustrated and quit on your dreams.

But if there is a community to catch you if you fall or make you ' Feel Held ' like my friend Amy Starr Allen likes to say...

The journey is do-able and more than that, even fun, exciting, enjoyable and rewarding.

I'm not even sure that freedom and residual income, long term, can be accomplished without this.

So as that monthly revenue number continues to grow, our community grows, and more and more people are introduced to something so different and special, they often describe it as magical.

A place where you can plant the roots of your soul in good soil, and be nourished as you grow into all that you're meant to be in business, and in life.

So there you have it Friend, that's why I'm excited for that 'money shot' above and excited to make it keep growing!

$300K per month, here we come.

$500K per month, bring it on..

A million per month - we come a marchin'!

If you'd like to help us do this, and be the change that the world so desperately needs, together - I'd LOVE to invite you to click the red button below the video on this page and fill out the form to get started with us today, (if you haven't already done so).

As long as you do it quickly, it will be FREE to you for 2 weeks so you can really dig in and get to know for yourself, that what I'm telling you in this email is the truth.

Thanks for reading Friend, and even if you don't feel that principle centered freedom calling your heart to click that red button and fill out the form, I hope my story can always inspire you to know that it doesn't matter where you start.

You can ALWAYS choose to think something different or do something different and that means there are ALWAYS better things waiting for you in your future.

As my other friend Rob always says...

Bless and be blessed,


PS - Unfortunately, I may not be able any questions about this because my time is SUPER limited and, it's free to join.

If you like what you see, and want to learn more, just sign up and look around.

You'll have 2 weeks to actually experience the products at no cost which, in my opinion, is a FAR better way to get your questions answered than emailing me, texting me or messaging me on Facebook.

The other thing about it is, I'm really looking for people who see this and realize how powerful it is and are just ready to do it, without having to be sold.

I've done my share of convincing in life and I'm to the point now, where I just want to build something so good, that the right people will see it and take action immediately.

If that's you, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be there to help you on the other side.