Subject: oops, wrong link...

Sorry about that Friend,

Turns out the link I sent you to the call replay in that last email was broken.

This one should work.

Have a great weekend!


PS: Tomorrow morning I'll be live sharing an overview of the business model we created to help people build residual income in a stronger, faster, better way.

This business pays 80% residual commissions which means

  • only 2 and your in profit,

  • 5 customers and you're at $600 a month in residual

  • 24 customers to $3k per month in residual

  • 48 to $6K / mo and just under 80 customers can mean six figures in residuals.

Reply to this email if you wanna attend and I'll get you the attendee link. (We start at 9:00 AM EST, 8:00 AM CST, 7 AM MST and 6 AM PST, Saturday 12.14.24)