Subject: my secret drug...

Hey Friend,

Yesterday morning, there was a moment I felt super high, but in a good way.

Ultimate optimism, vibrant - electric energy pumping through every cell of my body, mind supremely alert.

Great ideas flowing so fast, brain synapses firing at what felt like lightning speed.

You may or may not know that I have a bit of a checkered past, and so believe me when I tell you that this feeling was better than any common drug.

This was caused by my secret drug.

And it's free.

If I told you about this free drug, and if the benefits I've described are real, would you take it Friend?

If so, please give me a drumroll and hold on to your britches...

Here it is.

My secret drug that I take every single morning... (or at least try to)...


3 miles, 30 minutes - and I'm high as a kite.

Believe me when I tell you Friend, there is a Euphoric zone to running.

Sometimes it’s bit of pain to get there, but it’s there, and I love it!

They say working out is good for your body, and I’m thankful for that (I actually lost 40 lbs, and kept it off doing this), but one of my FAVORITE benefits is what it does for my brain power.

  • It’s a huge stress reliever for me.

  • It gives me a chance to punish myself a little, voluntarily in the morning and that makes it so almost anything else that comes at me the rest of the day seems pretty small.

  • I also love giving myself the gift of daily proof that i can push through limits, and that my mind is stronger than them all. Exercise (and specifically running) does this for me.

Lastly, being in touch with my physical body on a daily basis, helps me to remember how my nutrition is affecting my health, energy, stamina and appearance one way, or the other.

I wanted to pass this secret drug along to you Friend, because I'd feel truly bad, keeping it all to myself.

Oh, and the best thing. If you're not already doing this, it's EASY to start. Like Jim Rohn used to say... "You don't have to start with something staggering, start with a walk around the block."

Start where you stand, improve a little over time and pretty soon you'll be high on life with me. :-)

Thanks for reading Friend.

Here's to you and I being our best, so we can feel the best, and inspire the best in others.


PS - One of my favorite health products tastes so good it feels like cheating, even though it’s jam packed with nutrition.

It’s like a magic cup of chocolate milk.

Seriously, my kids like to sprinkle it on vanilla ice cream because it’s so delicious they don’t even realize it’s a health product.

It’s a great nutrition supplement and it can double as a SOOOPER tasty meal replacement shake if you’re in a ”trimming” mood.

My friend Joe Perry, is the creator and in addition to being one of the best humans I know, he’s a genius with a long track record when it comes to health and nutrition products.

Anyway, I’ve been wanting to share this for a while, and even feel a bit guilty for not doing a better job of raising awareness for this product. It really is that good.

Oh, and like you may have guessed from this email, my favorite flavor is chocolate. (Seriously, SOOOO good)

PPS - They also have a recipe books where you can mix this up with fruit, nuts, and other deliciousness to create, what could be, the most healthy delicious shakes you've ever had in your entire life. (That's honestly how I feel about them.)

You can order one on a discount if you sign up on auto delivery - (don't worry you can cancel at any time, so the discount is worth doing, if you are going to order one to taste test)