Subject: my Grandpa's last words...

Hey Friend,

I was thinking about what to send you today and decided to look through my blog posts to see which posts had the most comments.

The idea was to send you one of my post popular posts, in the hopes that it might shine some light and value into your life today... especially if you missed it the first time I sent it out.

I realized that one of the most popular messages I ever sent, was the post I wrote the morning I found out my grandpa Ford was dying.

As I read back through it, I realized that I had accidentally captured the last words he ever said to me.

I didn't realize that until today.

Can you guess what they were Friend?

"Paul, I'm proud of you."

I don't know why it is that we sometimes find it difficult to be proud of ourselves, but we do.

Words from others, especially people we respect, love and admire can go a long way in helping us to feel about ourselves, they way we probably should feel, far more often than we do.

So just in case you haven't heard it in a while Friend, I want to pass my grandpa's last words along and let you know,

I'm proud of you too.

My guess is, you're doing the absolute best you can, with whatever hand you've been dealt in life.

My guess is, you've chosen to rise and shine, even when life's clouds were pouring rain down upon you.

My guess is, you've worked your tail off, for a boss, or a spouse, or your children, or your business....

And my guess is, you haven't heard those precious words, nearly enough.

So I'll say it again Friend.

I'm proud of you.

Thank you for doing your best, with what you have, and what you know.

That's all anyone can ever realistically expect from any of us.

I guess that's the message I was supposed to send you today.

That's the message in my heart.

Thank you for receiving it.


PS - Here's one of my favorite pics of my grandpa and I, together, with tears streaming down both of our faces. We were saying good bye to each other for a time.

PPS - If you want to read the post I wrote, you may want to have a tissue ready. I do think there's some great wisdom and inspiration in it, and it might be worth reading if you haven't seen it yet.

Here it is...