Subject: my 20 day transformation results...

Hey Friend,

Short email today. Just wanted to share with you my progress so far on the Trinity Challenge which I've been inviting you to take a peek at for the last 20 day or so.

I took a snapshot of where I was at when we started the challenge and another picture this morning which is just 20 days later.

Check it out.

Honestly, I was a bit surprised at how much I've changed in just 20 days.

I guess that's why we call it a 'transformation' challenge. :-)

I love seeing how much weight I've lost in my face, and like the thinner version of me a bit more.

One of my fav. quotes from Jim Rohn is "All disciplines affect each other" and funny enough, I've noticed other areas of my life improving right along with my health.

We still have a TON of time left in the challenge (it goes through October 18th) - so plenty of time for you to get started with us and kick start some positive change in your life, if you want.

Here's the link to learn all about it.  

Hope you rock your Monday and we'll see ya in the next email.

All the best,
