Subject: last day for some smart peeps…
Hey Friend,
Just got out to the in-laws for Sunday dinner & wanted to send you a quick reminder that for some, smart peeps, today is the last day to take action in a way that will set them up in the best position, to build some serious residuals, this week.
I know from years of experience that people usually wait until the last day of a promotion to take action.
Of course, always better late than never, but my guess is there are some smart people reading this email who will see the value in what they're about to read.
If you decide to take action today (Sunday) instead of taking action on Friday (the official last day of our promotion) here's what you could do.
A) Sign up for free ->
B) Set up your your affiliate account for free (my biz partner Mike will show you how to do this right after you fill out the free enrollment form and click submit).
C) Set up your done for you Emerson affiliate sales page (this exact page - for free.
D) use this week to share your affiliate link with others who can do what you just did, all for free.
E) watch your customer enrollments soar due to the excitement of this offer and the fact that's it's free.
F) Multiply the number of free customers you gather by $120 in monthly residuals to calculate the income potential for yourself.
Today is the last day where you can sign up and have a FULL work week to share this free offer, combined with our powerful Emerson AI, angle with others so you can have a HUGE jump start to building your new "heart-centered" affiliate income with me and us in The HBA.
If I were looking at this email, and wasn't already enrolled, this is exactly what I would do.