Subject: i totally shocked my 11 year old with this surprise move 🤯

Happy Magnificent Monday Friend!

Hope you had a awesome weekend.

Yesterday I was walking through the kitchen and suddenly, I did something that left my 11 year old in a state of shock and awe.  

Of course, this is one of the funnest things to do as a dad. :-)

Seriously though Friend, all kidding aside, there is a success lesson to be found in this random burst of awesomeness, and that's why I wanted to tell you about it in today's video.

If you decide to watch, my hope is, that it can make you laugh AND inspire you at the same time.

You'll have to let me know in the comments if I achieved my goal with this video.

Thanks so much for being subscribed to my email list and I hope you have an incredible day!

To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings

PS: Last month we paid out $226,195.60 in FREEEEEEDOM money to affiliates. Can you believe that Friend? I can hardly believe it myself.

That brings our total paid to $4,196,493.32.   BOOM!

Additionally we sent off a donation to Feed My Starving Children that will provide 9,324 days of meals to kids in need bringing our grand total there to 249,295 days of meals.

I am SOOOOO happy and thankful to be building a business from home that is not only highly profitable to the bank account, but also - profitable to the soul account too!

What a gift.

If you'd like to check out what we're doing to see of it might be a fit for you Friend, I'd love to encourage you to watch this 4 minute video to get the quick scoop.

If you like what you see in that 4 minute video just go ahead and click the red button below the vid, to see the full presentation.

That's all for now!

Talk soon,
