Subject: i told you Friend...

Well at least I like to think I told you Friend.

One of the biggest lessons I had to learn through repeated and painful experiences of trial and error is...

You cannot build a full-time residual income with the company if you can't trust them to not reduce your commissions in the future.

Just three days ago on our Saturday morning new member orientation, I was telling our members that this was one of the problems my business partner Mike and I kept running into on our journey to freedom.

Companies would change the compensation plan and reduce the amount of money they were paying us after we had done the work to bring customers to the company.

I told our members that, not only did this happen to us multiple times way back in the day, but that it still continues to happen all the time.

Just this morning Friend, I got an email from a company that I had purchased a product from some time ago, letting affiliates know that they were reducing the commission payout rate.

Here's the email in case you don't believe me.

And here is my translation of this email after having been a full-time affiliate marketer since 2009.

“Dear affiliates,

Thank you so much for all of your hard work in helping us to grow and get to where we're at today.

As a special thank you to show our appreciation we are going to reduce the amount of money we pay you for your work, and keep more of that money as profits for the company.

We hope you understand that this is for your own good.

Once again we really hope that this shows how much we truly do love and appreciate you guys.

If you have any questions about how we have decided to crush your income please feel free to reach out to us and we are happy to give you even more unsatisfactory answers.”

This would be funny if it weren't so sad.

I go into more detail as to my perspective on this along with what you can do to not find yourself in this situation in the future, so if that intrigues you, you can watch this new video.

The short solution to this very common problem Friend, is to do whatever you need to do to be sure that your building with a company that believes in never changing the compensation plan on you.

This sounds simple, however it was so hard for me to do that I ended up having to cofound a company myself.

Look at what we have on the about section of our corporate website as the first bullet point

So regardless of whether you choose to join our company or not, the big lesson here is to make sure you join a company you can trust to do right by you not just today but far off into the future.

I truly hope this message hits home and helps you in some way today as you continue to build your freedom.

All the best,


PS: Today's Grow Rich Mastermind was about learning how to develop emotional maturity and also had some great tips on learning to overcome the fear of criticism which is necessary if you're going to be a successful entrepreneur.

You can listen to the replay here or dial-in via phone at 712 – 432 – 0990 access code 565762#

PPS:  There's nothing to buy on this call, it's 100% free and designed to help you learn, grow. and be inspired to become the best that you can be.