Subject: i just fell in love, again.

Hey Friend,

Yesterday my wife Corene had me feel the sweat on the small of her back after she finished her work out and I thought to myself “Wow! That is so perspiring!

Er, ummm… I mean inspiring. ” 🤪💫

Seriously though, I didn’t think it was possible to love her more than I already did, but watching her be so dedicated and committed to her fitness routine, has really impressed me and made me love her even more.

Beauty is magnetic, but man oh man so is character.

Qualities of character like persistence, commitment and dedication can be expressed in many different areas (fitness and nutrition) being one.

Wherever they are expressed, they always seem to stand out and draw admiration from others who resonate with those character attributes as well.

This is one of the BIG reasons we host our daily Grow Rich Mastermind, and have done now for the last 11 years. To help ourselves develop strong attributes of character - which is in part, learning and applying the laws of success over time.

Here's a little 7 minute power clip from last Friday's mastermind that I published as a podcast episode here on my blog.  

It contains a great tip on what to teach so you can be the MOST magnetic to your prospects, my FAVORITE way to light yourself on fire (in a good way) PLUS - a SUPER cool app I've been using over the last week that's making a BIG difference for my mental dynamite. :-)

Talk soon Friend!

Paul Hutchings

PS - If you've been learning about The Home Business Academy or our $25 all in one business, you may love this EPIC blog post I've been working on that's jam packed with pretty much everything you ever wanted to know about this lucrative business.

You can check it out here.

If you like it, please leave me a comment as that will help me in my efforts to get this info out to the right people AND - I recently installed a cool little plugin that should notify you via email when I reply to your comment so we can test it together, if you're down.

The plugin is called 'Comment Reply Email' and it's a free WordPress plugin.

In my opinion, having a way to notify people who comment on your blog, when you reply, is ESSENTIAL - otherwise it's almost a waste to reply to comments.

Anyway, I'm hoping this plugin works well because I think it will help a TON with relationship building and connection via your home on the web - the blog. :-)

Oh, and if you DO leave me a comment I'd be happy to comment on a piece of content of yours, if it would help. Feel free to shoot me the link of whatever content you want me to comment on, after you make your comment on my above post, and I'll happily return the favor.