This picture Friend, this picture brings me happiness because it represents doing something good in the world, other than piling up 'stuff' and money for myself.
There's nothing wrong with money Friend. We all need to function in this crazy ol world we live in.
But if we want more than money, say - can't be the only focus we have.
My personal belief is that we are all spiritual beings having a mortal experience, and while I don't project that belief onto anyone, for me - it makes sense that for my soul to be happy, I have to be making sure it gets what it needs too.
This is one reason I love the term 'Soul Pay'.
This is a phrase I coined after reading this quote from Napoleon Hill...
"If money is all you have in your paycheck at the end of the week, you have been grossly underpaid."
If you can make your money be a symbol of the service, value, love, contribution, etc, that you have poured into people...
Then Friend, and only then, will our dollars be badges of honor, and not crowns of shame.
One more related thought do this 'lie that I believed'...
I've been so passionate about residual income, for so long now, it feels like - freedom through residual income is a message that's permanantly tattooed on my soul.
I'm still happy to have the tattoo, however, I've discovered that there was more to the story...
Even though I have plenty of money, - I'm not free to do whatever I want - If I want to continue to be happy.
Freedom and responsibility are 2 different sides of the same coin.
It's been that way all the way here, and it's still that way now that I'm standing on top of freedom mountain.
People are depending on me.
My family is depending on me.
My customers and affiliates are depending on me.
There may be others in the world, who don't know me yet, who are waiting for me to show up and shine whatever light I'm supposed to shine, into their lives.
So even though I may be 'free' - I'm not 'free to do whatever I want' - if I still want to live a good life and feel like my days are adding up to something to be proud of.
So today Friend, just like I did on day one of my freedom journey - I'm still asking this question....
"How can I take the gift of my life, and turn it into a gift for the lives of others?"
Somehow, I don't think the answer to that question will be sitting on a beach, 24 hours a day - 7 days a week, drinking margaritas for the rest of my life.
To freedom and beyond,
Paul Hutchings